CSE-110-Winter-2023 / cse-110-project-cse-110-team-31

cse-110-project-cse-110-team-31 created by GitHub Classroom
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SBST 5: Samantha moves away for college and exchanges UIDs with friends and family #74

Open kenvaCS opened 1 year ago

kenvaCS commented 1 year ago

Samantha was born and raised in San Diego and has always gone to school near home. She is a senior in high school and her dream school has always been Arizona State University. Samantha longed for a fun and exciting college experience away from home. She finally receives her acceptance letter and her excitement immediately fades once she realizes she might get homesick from being so far away from her family and friends here in San Diego. Her best friend Hannah tries to comfort her by showing her the Social Compass app. Samantha then decides to download the app as well, so that she can feel more at home when she moves away for college. After she finished downloading the app, she opened it and entered her name. She was then prompted to exchange UID’s with other users. Samantha copies her UID and sends it to Hannah so that she can add her location to the compass. Now that Samantha and Hannah can see each other’s location on the compass, Samantha gets excited and quickly has her parents download the app as well. After they finished downloading the app and shared each other’s UIDs, she entered her name on her parent’s phone so that it could be displayed on the compass. Now when Samantha goes to college, both her and her parents will have the comfort of seeing each other’s names and locations on the compass and feel connected to one another at all times.

kenvaCS commented 1 year ago

Covers: US 5, US 6, US 7, US 8, US 9