CSE-110-Winter-2023 / cse-110-project-cse110-team-25

cse-110-project-cse110-team-25 created by GitHub Classroom
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Developer Story 1: Mock Friend's Location relative to User's Location #33

Open marina325 opened 1 year ago

marina325 commented 1 year ago

As a developer I want to be able to mock friends locations So that I can test iteration 1 user stories functionality

smumtaz24 commented 1 year ago

US-1: Find friend’s relative distance Scenario 2: Julia has two friends in the same exact location Scenario 3: Julia has not added any friends yet US-2: Adding multiple friends Scenario 1: Entering a valid UID US-3: Checking friend’s current status Scenario 1: Jamie and Julia are both active on the app

When the user starts the app and they have no friends added, they will see 4 blank circles, zoom buttons, and a text field to enter UIDs. Julia enters in UIDs for two of her friends, Marco and Emma. They are valid, and since Julia is fully zoomed out, she sees Marco and Emma’s labels next to each other behind one of the inner circles. This must mean they are next to each other. Julia enters the UID for another friend, Jamie. Jamie has a green dot next to her label on the compass. Julia knows that she must be online.