CSE-110-Winter-2023 / cse-110-project-cse110-team-25

cse-110-project-cse110-team-25 created by GitHub Classroom
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Developer Story 2: BlackBox testing for zooming and friend's location status #34

Open marina325 opened 1 year ago

marina325 commented 1 year ago

As a developer I want to be able to blackbox test the online status of a friend and zoom So that I can test iteration 2 user stories functionality

smumtaz24 commented 1 year ago

US-1: Find friend’s relative distance Scenario 1: Julia has friends where one friend is closer than the other to her US-2: Adding multiple friends Scenario 2: Entering an invalid UID US-3: Checking friend’s current status Scenario 2: Jamie is offline while Julia is online US-4: Change Zoom on Compass Scenario 1: Julia zooms out to see her friends
Scenario 2: Julia zooms in to see her friends

Julia opens the app. She is already friends with mom and Jamie. Jamie is at Columbia University, so she is within the fourth circle. Mom is within the first circle so Julia knows she must be close by. Julia tries entering her friend Mia’s UID. However, since it’s invalid, she sees an error. Jamie has a red dot and “5m” next to her label. Julia knows that she must have just got off SC2 five minutes ago. Julia presses the zoom in button three times. Jamie is now a dot along the circle, and mom is still in the view. Julia presses the zoom out button three times. She can now see Jamie’s label again.