CSE-Courses / course-project-a5-ezpz

course-project-a5-ezpz created by GitHub Classroom
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Add Walls and wall collision to lobby #113

Closed cheesynoz closed 3 years ago

cheesynoz commented 3 years ago

Add walls around the lobby that players can not pass through, players should also start within the walls of the lobby

Acceptance Test:

  1. Open up terminal
  2. ssh into cheshire
  3. navigate to the directory /CSE442-542/2020-Fall/cse-442g/
  4. run server using command "python server.py
  5. on your main computer, open up terminal and navigate to directory where the project is
  6. run "python Main.py" on your local computer
  7. In the lobby, move your character around using the arrow keys
  8. If you attempt to move into a wall, you will be stopped at the wall.