CSE-Courses / course-project-a5-ezpz

course-project-a5-ezpz created by GitHub Classroom
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Create basic outline of map #74

Closed cheesynoz closed 3 years ago

cheesynoz commented 4 years ago

Players can walk around the map once the game has started and the screen should scroll with them around the map

Task test: Acceptance Test:

  1. open up terminal
  2. ssh into cheshire
  3. navigate to the directory /CSE442-542/2020-Fall/cse-442g/
  4. run server using command "python server.py
  5. on your main computer, open up terminal and navigate to directory where the project is.
  6. run "python Main.py" on your local computer
  7. press "Enter" when all players have joined
  8. Player will be in map, which can be navigated using the arrow keys