CSE-Courses / course-project-a5-ezpz

course-project-a5-ezpz created by GitHub Classroom
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Creating player joined text in lobby #98

Closed hatwabar closed 3 years ago

hatwabar commented 3 years ago

creating text labels with ability to fade away that state which players have joined the lobby

Acceptance Test:

  1. Open anyconnect and connect to vpn.buffalo.edu

  2. open up terminal

  3. ssh into cheshire (when connected into a UB network)

  4. navigate to the directory /CSE442-542/2020-Fall/cse-442g/

  5. run server using command "python server.py" in that terminal

  6. On your main computer, open up another terminal and navigate to directory where the project is on your local machine.

  7. Once in that directory, run "python Main.py"

  8. A gui will appear where you can move your character with the arrow keys, and the other player/client can also connect and move their player. The text labels you are looking for will appear in the right hand side of screen just outside of the lobby. The labels will state which characters are in the lobby currently. Option to fade label into the dark background using the num 1 key on your keyboard