User Story:
1 As a user, I should be able to request a connection with roommates that I'm interested in.
2 As a user, I should be able to see the list of connection requests from another user.
3 As a user, I should be able to accept or reject requests from another user.
4 As a user, I should be able to save the property that I'm interested in.
5 As a user, I should be able to see the list of other users who are interested in the property.
6 As a user, I should be able to remove the property from the user interested list.
Design the functionality to store the different states of the request i.e accepted / pending. Implementing logic to Accept/Reject the request. Also developed functionality to return a list of users in pending/accepted categories. Implemented logic to store the list of properties liked by the user. Also provided functionality to remove the property from the user interested list.
User Story: 1 As a user, I should be able to request a connection with roommates that I'm interested in. 2 As a user, I should be able to see the list of connection requests from another user. 3 As a user, I should be able to accept or reject requests from another user. 4 As a user, I should be able to save the property that I'm interested in. 5 As a user, I should be able to see the list of other users who are interested in the property. 6 As a user, I should be able to remove the property from the user interested list.
Design the functionality to store the different states of the request i.e accepted / pending. Implementing logic to Accept/Reject the request. Also developed functionality to return a list of users in pending/accepted categories. Implemented logic to store the list of properties liked by the user. Also provided functionality to remove the property from the user interested list.