CSE237-SP24 / project-fortunakleineliseethan

project-fortunakleineliseethan created by GitHub Classroom
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Users should have an intuitive interface to manage their accounts with #8

Open emoseswustl opened 6 months ago

emoseswustl commented 6 months ago

Potential outline:

kmorrow1 commented 6 months ago
  1. On Startup prompts user for username and then password
  2. Creates a User class object with the values entered
  3. Creates a BankAccount class object with checking set to True and the the User class object created in step 2 as the owner
  4. After both the User and BankAccount class object have been initialized 9 options are printed out to the console each with a unique numerical value in which that can be entered into the terminal to select one of these 9 options
  5. These nine options are Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer, Check Balance, Show Account Information, Switch Account, Create Account, Delete Account, and Exit.
  6. Each of these options have checks in place to verify the legality behind each choice and the current state of the User class object in terms of amount of money in the working account, the action that is trying to be taken after an option has been chosen and the total number of BankAccount class objects that are assigned to this User.
  7. These options are continuously given to the User after a legal option and legal action are executed by the user until either the User selects the option 9 Exit by inputting "9" into the terminal during the selection of options or the User forcefully terminates the terminal in which this process is being ran