CSE442-ProjectF2018 / CSE442-Project

Frequency's snake project
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Separate obstacle into 2 versions. Solid, non-traversable objects(walls). Traversable, damage-causing tiles. #73

Open dylandeg opened 5 years ago

dylandeg commented 5 years ago


  1. Start app.
  2. Click play button.
  3. View game grid.
  4. Click pick-axe button in bottom left of window.
  5. Attempt to 'mine' the brick looking obstacles on the map.
  6. Feel silly for trying. It didn't work.
  7. Click rock looking button in bottom left of window.
  8. Place a rock on the grid.
  9. Click pick-axe button again.
  10. Attempt to 'mine' the rock you just placed.
  11. It worked! Your confidence is restored!
  12. Play game to force snake into encountering a trap.
  13. Observe how while it is able to pass through it, your score is effected.