CSE442-ProjectF2018 / CSE442-Project

Frequency's snake project
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Different texture packs, selectable from in-game, and custom texture packs can be added as folders. Like in minecraft. Bonus points if includes sound variants. #75

Open dylandeg opened 5 years ago

dylandeg commented 5 years ago


  1. Open app.
  2. Click options 'gear'.
  3. From the file selection window, you can choose which asset pack you wish to use.
  4. Click apply.
  5. Close app.
  6. Go to app directory, locate folder 'assets'.
  7. Using the existing asset packs as a guide, modify or create your own asset pack.
  8. Place your new asset pack in the same directory as the others.
  9. Open app.
  10. Click options 'gear'.
  11. Notice how your new asset pack is listed as an option.
  12. Select it and click apply button.
  13. Observe the new look and sound you created.