CSEMike / OneSwarm

Privacy preserving peer-to-peer data sharing
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buffer overflow during handshake #12

Open CSEMike opened 13 years ago

CSEMike commented 13 years ago

DEBUG::Tue Jan 04 15:56:51 PST 2011::com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.osssl.OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream::doHandshake::597: buffer overflow during handshake, should never happen ProtocolDecoderPHE::process::817,ProtocolDecoderPHE::selectSuccess::1981,ProtocolDecoderPHE$2::selectSuccess::470,TCPTransportHelper$1::selectSuccess::443,VirtualChannelSelector::selectSuccess::379,VirtualChannelSelectorImpl::select::575,VirtualChannelSelector::select::332,TCPNetworkManager$4::run::155,AEThread2$threadWrapper::run::202

-- this happened

CSEMike commented 13 years ago

This occurred on a very long-running mac client (> 1 week)

Around this time, another client started at the roughly the same time (linux) needed a OneSwarm restart because of too many open files. These may be related -- particularly to the temp file cleanup issue of osf2f friends files. (deleteOnExit may keep things open -- we may need to explicitly close and delete temp files to support long-running servers)