CSFrequency / react-firebase-hooks

React Hooks for Firebase.
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useCollection is working in development mode but not in production #203

Closed MZ071999 closed 2 years ago

MZ071999 commented 2 years ago

I have a next.js application in which there is a real-time chat feature.

I'm using the useCollection() hook to retrieve the chat data from firebase.

So the mechanism that I'm trying to achieve is:

  1. user clicks on the "send message" button
  2. the system checks whether or not the chat between user A and user B has already exist
  3. If it doesn't exist, a new chat is created. If it already exists, the old chat is used.


When "send message" is clicked, createChat() kicks in, but chatAlreadyExist doesn't work. So firebase always creates a new chat between the two users even though the chat has already exist.

I don't think there's any problem with the firebase connection because a new chat is created every time createChat() is triggered. I believe something is wrong with the useCollection hook but I'm not sure what and how to fix it.


Everything is working as intended in the DEVELOPMENT mode. It is only after deploying to vercel the useCollection hook doesn't seem to work anymore.

This is the code:

import Button from "../UI/Button";
import { Fragment, useState } from "react";
import classes from "./UserProfile.module.css";
import Image from "next/dist/client/image";
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import Modal from "../UI/Modal";
import { dbs } from "../../utils/firebase";
import { useCollection } from "react-firebase-hooks/firestore";
import { useRouter } from "next/dist/client/router";
import StarIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Star";

const UserProfile = (props) => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { data: session } = useSession();
  const { image, name, email, bio, currentEmail, message, userScores } = props;
  const [modal, setModal] = useState(false);
  const currentUser = email === session?.user.email;
  const Avatar = image;

  let noBio;
  if (bio.trim() === "") {
    noBio = true;

  const userChatRef = dbs
    .where("users", "array-contains", currentEmail);
  const [chatSnapshot] = useCollection(userChatRef);
  const chatAlreadyExists = (email) =>
      (chat) => chat.data().users.find((user) => user === email)?.length > 0
  const createChat = () => {
    if (session) {
      if (!chatAlreadyExists(email)) {
          users: [currentEmail, email],

    if (!session) {

  const modalHandler = () => {
  return (
      {modal && <Modal onConfirm={modalHandler} />}
      <div className={classes.wrapper}>
        <div className={classes.profile}>
          <div className={classes.img}>
          <div className={classes.about}>
            <div className={classes.name}> {name} </div>
            {noBio && <div className={classes.bio}> No bio </div>}
            {!noBio && <div className={classes.bio}> {bio} </div>}

            {currentUser && <Button link="/user/edit"> EDIT </Button>}
            {!currentUser && <Button onClick={createChat}> message </Button>}
        <div className={classes.second}>
          <div className={classes.rewards}>
            <div className={classes.circle}>
              <div className={classes.star}>
                <StarIcon style={{ fontSize: 80 }} />
              {"'s Score is:"}
            <div className={classes.score}> {userScores} </div>

          {currentUser && (
            <div className={classes.message}>
              <span className={classes.bold}>SCORE HISTORY: </span> {message}

export default UserProfile;
MZ071999 commented 2 years ago

@chrisbianca would appreciate if you could take a look at this

chrisbianca commented 2 years ago

@MZ071999 this is almost certainly an issue with the way you have structured your code and not the useCollection hook itself. I'm happy to investigate if you can bring a reproducible example demonstrating that useCollection is causing the problem, but otherwise this is a question more suited for Stack Overflow.

MZ071999 commented 2 years ago

@MZ071999 this is almost certainly an issue with the way you have structured your code and not the useCollection hook itself. I'm happy to investigate if you can bring a reproducible example demonstrating that useCollection is causing the problem, but otherwise this is a question more suited for Stack Overflow.

Thank you

I believe it is causing the problem because:

  1. a new chat entry is created by firebase, so the connection with firebase is working
  2. but a new chat is always created, meaning the useCollection hook always returns empty value
  3. when I tried to console log userChatRef, I did get the ref value and the connection to firebase are all defined
  4. when I tried to console log QuerySnapShot returned by useCollection, I got an empty array when it should have returned an array with values

I use the same hook in another component to retrieve the recipient's data but it also doesn't work

function Sidebar(props) {
  const userEmail = props.props[1];
  const { data: session } = useSession();

  const userChatRef = dbs
    .where("users", "array-contains", userEmail);

  const [chatSnapshot] = useCollection(userChatRef);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (session) {
          email: userEmail,
          lastSeen: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
        { merge: true }
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className={classes.container}>
      <Header />
      {chatSnapshot?.docs.map((chat) => (
        <Recepeint key={chat.id} id={chat.id} users={chat.data().users} />

i console log chatSnapShot and this is what I got:

Screenshot (210)

the array returned is empty. This problem only happens in production, everything is working in development mode.

MZ071999 commented 2 years ago

@MZ071999 this is almost certainly an issue with the way you have structured your code and not the useCollection hook itself. I'm happy to investigate if you can bring a reproducible example demonstrating that useCollection is causing the problem, but otherwise this is a question more suited for Stack Overflow.

Update: the useCollection hook returns value for a very brief second then disappear

chrisbianca commented 2 years ago

@MZ071999 have you checked in the firebase console that the value actually exists? It sounds to me like your writes are being rejected by firestore

MZ071999 commented 2 years ago

@MZ071999 have you checked in the firebase console that the value actually exists? It sounds to me like your writes are being rejected by firestore

yes the value exists, I managed to receive them in development mode.

I have set the rules to allow read and write, I don't think firestore is rejecting the writes because I managed to create a new chat and I can see the value in firestore. It's just the useCollection hook is returning an empty array. I'm still not sure what's going on

MZ071999 commented 2 years ago

update: I tried the code with vanilla useEffect and onsnapshot and I still got an empty array so now I believe the problem is not with useCollection() but probably with the read configuration. I can write but cannot read, that's what I'm getting now