CSG-3613 / alt-ctrl-team-2

alt-ctrl-team-2 created by GitHub Classroom
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Enemy Pathing & Spawning #1

Open BrysonP7 opened 3 months ago

BrysonP7 commented 3 months ago

Week 1 (4/7/2024 - 4/14/2024) started work on enemy pathing

BrysonP7 commented 3 months ago

4/15/2024 Finished enemy pathing system, started work on enemy spawning.

BrysonP7 commented 2 months ago

4/17/2024 Enemy Spawning is functional at a basic level. More functionality may be added in the future.

BrysonP7 commented 2 months ago

4/24/2024 Enemies no longer collide with each other. Spawn rate can now increase as the game progresses. Buffs now have caps.