CSG-3613 / alt-ctrl-team-2

alt-ctrl-team-2 created by GitHub Classroom
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Make Tower Placement System #2

Open GameCrucible opened 3 months ago

GameCrucible commented 3 months ago


The goal this week was to set up the baseline mechanics that can then be added upon. Because we're waiting on our engineering side to finish working on how they'll implement the physical controls, we'll be using placeholder code and assets until they reach back to us.


While the tiles can be placed, the code is unlikely to be utilized in the final project as it relies on a keyboard which won't be used in our game. There were a couple of attempts at the grid system that were reworked.


The grid system is now functional. The grid will be pre-built using prefabs. The game can detect when a tower is placed and removed. In addition, tiles can detect if they have a tower on them, and won't place another tower on them. Using tags, some tiles are identified as placeable or not, depending on if they're on the enemy track. Finally, the towers can be switched between when being placed. The baseline for the grid system is implemented.

Progress Images

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GameCrucible commented 2 months ago


This week I completed the grid system. Now the system is pretty much implemented outside of minor touch ups and the actual controller implementation.


We still don't have the controller. So we can't fully implement the controls yet.


The grid is completely functional. It now can place and delete towers on top of it, detect when it has a tower on it, know how many towers are available, and there's a separate grid for non-placeable areas.