CSG-3613 / alt-ctrl-team-6-best-team

alt-ctrl-team-6-best-team created by GitHub Classroom
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casting and reeling #8

Open AbsolutelyAri opened 2 months ago

AbsolutelyAri commented 2 months ago

Update as of 4/22


I've created a basic event-driven state machine for casting, reeling is still in progress. Controls are temporarily set up for mouse since the Wiimote is currently unavailable however swapping which buttons trigger events and getting an input axis to determine the speed of the cast should be easy enough.

Slowdowns and Problems

AbsolutelyAri commented 2 months ago

Update as of 4/29


Since last week I've updated the reeling system, its still a work in progress but the basic function is nearly complete. I've also obtained access to a Wiimote so work can begin this week on integrating the final controls. After discussion with the toy design team the final control scheme will use the B button as a substitute for reeling a physical reel for the sake of time, this was a quick change and should be far more consistent to implement.

Slowdowns and Problems