CSIRO-Precision-Agriculture / pyprecag

A suite of tools for Precision Agriculture
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Improve coordinate system handling #17

Open cratcliff opened 5 years ago

cratcliff commented 5 years ago

Rasterio 1.0.18 now uses the wkt for a sources coordinate system instead of proj4 which provides an incorrect definition. (see https://rasterio.groups.io/g/dev/message/68.)

Fiona (https://github.com/Toblerity/Fiona/issues/714), and Geopandas (https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/pull/913) are looking at implementing the rasterio's CRS functionality.

pyprecag will be updated after the above three packages are updated

snowman2 commented 4 years ago

geopandas has updated to use the pyproj CRS class. https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/api/crs/crs.html.

snowman2 commented 4 years ago

You may also be interested in rioxarray: https://github.com/corteva/rioxarray