CSIRO-enviro-informatics / AusPIX_DGGS_API

Web API for the AusPIX_DGGS
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Create a base flask app with swagger/openapi enabled #2

Closed jyucsiro closed 4 years ago

jyucsiro commented 4 years ago

Create a base flask app to wrap functionality from https://github.com/GeoscienceAustralia/AusPIX_DGGS

Consider these lib for swagger/openapi bindings:

Create a dockerfile extending python 3 base image. You can look at this for a template: https://github.com/CSIRO-enviro-informatics/geometry-data-service/blob/master/api/Dockerfile

jyucsiro commented 4 years ago

Another swagger or openAPI library to consider is connexion - https://github.com/zalando/connexion