CSIRO-enviro-informatics / addrcatch-linkset

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Create a de-reification SPARQL function #2

Open nicholascar opened 5 years ago

nicholascar commented 5 years ago

Read links from the linkset such as:

  s: g:GAACT714845933 ;
  p: w: ;
  o: c:7155143 ;
  m: i: .
  s: g:GAACT714845934 ;
  p: w: ;
  o: c:7155143 ;
  m: i: .
  s: g:GAACT714845935 ;
  p: w: ;
  o: c:7154996 ;
  m: i: .

and de-reify it to:

@prefix g: <http://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/gnaf/address/> .
@prefix geo: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#> .
@prefix c: <http://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/geofabric/catchment/> .

g:GAACT714845933 geo:sfWithin c:7155143 .
g:GAACT714845934 geo:sfWithin c:7155143 .
g:GAACT714845935 geo:sfWithin c:7154996 .

This may be filtered by some of the other fields like method. This 'de-reified' form will be more compact and likely easier to use.