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NSF EarthCube CyberConnector
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Ben Improvement Request List #39

Open ZihengSun opened 5 years ago

ZihengSun commented 5 years ago

Display: It would be good to have values displayed with the colors so that it is immediately obvious what the range is and what the colors correspond to. If there was some way to control the contour interval manually that would also be helpful. It would be good to have an easy way to mask out values in a certain range. For example, looking at difference plots I often mask out values that are very close to zero. Could we have both contours and shading for plots? Potentially at different intervals? Interface: When a selection box pops up (picking a data later, for example) my expectation is that there will be a scroll option within that box, rather than going all the way to the bar on the edge of the main window. Not sure if that is actually good design, but it throws me a little each time it isn’t there. ;) Having a window telling me what each option does when I mouse over it would be very useful. For example, I changed one window to contours and then did something else for a while and then it took me a minute to remember that I had clicked on the color bar to change that...