CSS-Tricks / AnythingSlider

A jQuery Slider plugin for anything.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Issues using AnythingSlider in a pluto portlet #265

Open cwhistler opened 12 years ago

cwhistler commented 12 years ago

I've got a porlet setup to display text/images using the AnythingSlider. Each slide has very little decoration (maybe some bold text) and then an image.

My portal has multiple "pages" of portlets.

JQuery is used heavily throughout this portal for other parts of an internal framework I am using. We are on version 1.8.12.

So the problem comes in when moving from the portal page with my AnythingSlider portlet to one of the other portal pages. In the IE 9 developer tools I see a script error but it doesn't point to anything meaningful that I can tell. When I click back to the page with the AnythingSlider portlet then the slider has stopped working. I can't even click on the tabs to move from one item to the next.

If I stop the slider before clicking to another portal page then I don't see the script error and when I click back to the page with the AnythingSlider portlet then the slider works just fine.

Of course none of this is a problem in Firefox.

Is there anything I can do about this? I thought about catching the window.unload event in order to stop the slider programatically, but this doesn't execute when moving from one portal page to another.

Mottie commented 12 years ago

Hi cwhistler!

I have zero experience with pluto portlet, so I'm not even sure what happens with pages when other portlets are in view. Just hidden?

What kind of error are you seeing? I mean what is the text of the error.

Is the AnythingSlider slideshow playing, or paused, when this happens?

Does Firefox have any errors that get ignored and don't break the slider? I know IE breaks all kinds of stuff when it encounters an error where as other browsers just keep on truckin'.

It would really help me troubleshoot the problem if there was an example page I could look at or some better idea of how portlets work. I googled it and I found some information, but no demos of the framework - it was a quick look.

Mottie commented 12 years ago

Hi cwhistler!

I'm sorry, I guess we're all unfamiliar with this portlet system. Maybe you can get better help over on stackoverflow.com.