CSS-Tricks / MovingBoxes

Simple horizontal slider which grows up the current box when it's in focus (image, title & text) and back down when it's not in focus.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Auto Sliding / Slideshow #59

Closed titynakrani closed 11 years ago

titynakrani commented 12 years ago

How to make the slider auto sliding??

Mottie commented 12 years ago

Hi titynakrani!

It's not built into MovingBoxes, but you can easily add a slideshow using the following code (demo):


<!-- Replace this with a link or whatever, but you'll need to modify the code -->
<button class="slideshow">Play</button>


// Make MovingBoxes Slideshow
    var slideShowDelay = 4000, // 4000 millisecond = 4 seconds
        mb = $('#slider').data('movingBoxes'),
        loop = function(){
            // if wrap is true, check for last slide, then stop slideshow
            if (mb.options.wrap !== true && mb.curPanel >= mb.totalPanels){
                // click the button to pause
            // next slide, use mb.goBack(); to reverse direction
            // run loop again
            timer = setTimeout(function(){
            }, slideShowDelay);
    // toggle slideshow button
    // if you replace this with a link "<a>" then un-comment out
    // the "return false" at the bottom ( remove the // )
        .attr('data-mode', "false") // slideshow paused
            // slide show mode
            var mode = $(this).attr('data-mode') === "false",
                // button text, replace with <img> if desired
                button = mode ? "Pause" : "Play";
            if (mode) {
            $(this).attr('data-mode', mode).html(button);
            // return false;

The above slideshow code will play a MovingBoxes with the wrap option set to true, forever; and stop the slideshow at the last slide if the wrap option is false.

invisiblemx commented 12 years ago

Hi, I can't make this AUTOplay with this code, but I added this in jquery.movingboxes.js in line 55 (more or less), the code is it:

51          base.$right = base.$wrap.find('.mb-right').click(function(){
52              base.goForward();
53              return false;
54          });

55          //AUTOPLAY
56          setInterval( function(){
57          if (base.curPanel == base.totalPanels)
58          {}
59          else
60          {$('.mb-right').click();}} ,6000 );

I hope to serve you


Jesus Gonzalez http://www.LiquidoWeb.com

yashu1901 commented 12 years ago

hey can u tell me what change I have to make for this to auto slide when the document is loaded....... I dont want to use button as trigger....

Mottie commented 12 years ago

Hi @yashu1901!

This may not be the best method, but it works... demo

Just call the toggleShow() function to start or stop the slideshow.

var toggleShow;

$(window).load(function() {
    // Make MovingBoxes Slideshow
    var slideShowDelay = 4000,
        // 4000 millisecond = 4 seconds
        playing = false,
        timer, mb = $('#slider').data('movingBoxes'),
        loop = function() {
            // if wrap is true, check for last slide, then stop slideshow
            if (mb.options.wrap !== true && mb.curPanel >= mb.totalPanels) {
                playing = false;
                // stop the loop
            // next slide, use mb.goBack(); to reverse direction
            // run loop again
            timer = setTimeout(function() {
            }, slideShowDelay);
    // toggle slideshow
    toggleShow = function() {
        if (playing) {
        } else {
        playing = !playing;

// Initialize MovingBoxes
    initialized: function(e, slider, tar) {
        // start the slideshow after initialization has completed
yashu1901 commented 12 years ago

hey thank you...... the code is working fine...........:)

JDSG commented 12 years ago


I'm trying to used moving box on my website. I downloaded all files with slider.js. Everything working fine and now I want that slider to run continuously. Can you please advise what I need to do. I already tried the code mentioned in above comment but it didn't work. Please help.

Regards, Jazz

Mottie commented 12 years ago


Are you getting any errors? I'm not sure I understand what slider.js has to do with MovingBoxes, are they being uses together? Could you share a link to your site or make a demo so I can better help you find the problem.

On another note, I think there has been enough interest in adding a slideshow to MovingBoxes that I'm going to work on adding it soon. No promise on when as I'm still very busy.

JDSG commented 12 years ago

Hi Mottie,

I'm using your latest version of Moving Boxes V2.1.1 There is no any error. When I reached at my last images then it moves to first one. But I want to run all images in loop. I tried with wrap:true but no success.

Mottie commented 12 years ago


I changed this demo to wrap: true and it seems to work.

yusufhandian commented 11 years ago

Thanks you, Worked