CSS-Tricks / The-Printliminator

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Alt-Click is buggy #16

Open daantjie opened 7 years ago

daantjie commented 7 years ago

To use the alt-click feature, you have to

  1. click and hold;    [mouse down, alt up]
  2. press and hold alt;   [mouse down, alt down]
  3. release the mouse;  [mouse up, alt down]
  4. release alt.       [mouse up, alt up]

whereas the wiki says

  • Highlight the element by moving the mouse over it.
  • Press and hold down the Alt key before clicking on it to hide everything except the highlighted element.

(Running the latest Printliminator chrome extension on Chromium 56.0.2924.87 on Arch Linux.)

Mottie commented 7 years ago

Hi @daantjie!

Odd, using Alt, then clicking with my mouse in Windows 10 is working as expected. I wonder if it is the differences in the OS. Sadly, I don't have any Linux systems set up to test this issue.

I have been meaning to update the extension to use ES2015 get it working for Firefox since it now supports Web Extensions.

I'd like to finish work on a few other projects, then I'll look at updating this extension and hopefully see if it resolves the issue you're having.

cheesington commented 7 years ago

I can reproduce the error (and the workaround) on my system. Firefox 52.0.1 64-bit, Linux Mint 18.

shantanuo commented 1 year ago

I can reproduce the error (and the workaround) on my system. Chrome version 109.0.5414.120 (Official Build) (64-bit), windows (server 2016) I could achieve the expected results only after reading this page very carefully. I will appreciate if this bug is fixed.