CSS-Tricks / The-Printliminator

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Doesn't work on LinkedIn (firefox)? #20

Open theandychung opened 6 years ago

theandychung commented 6 years ago

I'm using 59.0.2, and the bookmark method works on every webpages except LinkedIn. Is there anyway you could fix it?

Mottie commented 6 years ago

Hi @theandychung!

The bookmarklet attempts to load The Printliminator script on to the page, but LinkedIn has a [Content Security Policy]() that restricts loading content from outside sources. So, you can't use the bookmarklet on those pages. You would have to use the browser extension.

Sorry, I've been neglecting this repo. Now that Firefox supports WebExtensions, it would be fairly easy to get the extension to work in that browser.