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Alternative Components #4

Open edgeavl1 opened 4 years ago

edgeavl1 commented 4 years ago

I know this is evolving but is it possible to post alternative components, given the time crunch, some of the Amazon sourced items are mid April + fulfillment. Thanks!

Hopefully these work and are available sooner - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EWOE0UU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1



chathurangac commented 4 years ago

The alternatives depend on many factors such as cost, the processing power, availability of documentation, the form factor, community support etc. However I can share my general opinion based on my personal experience on different devices.

Given the pandemic situation the below are my selection criteria.

  1. Ability to use off the shelf hardware - Acquiring the required hardware or obtaining CAD/PCBA services is hard at the moment. If we can use off the shelf hardware and if the same codebase can be used on different hardware with no modification or with slight modifications it will be beneficial to the community.

  2. Less Implementation Complexity - When the hardware requires many integration with other modules the design becomes more complex and susceptible for more failures. If we can find devices which can directly use without doing much wiring it will be useful. It will reduce the time required for getting the device into actual usage.

  3. Affordability - Given the mass nature of the community spread there will be a need of a heavy number of ventilators, so the lesser cost is always better.

  4. Future Extendability - Health sector cannot afford a lot of effort to monitor the devices, it is useful if all can be monitored automatically and remotely. These are not required features but still nice to have at the later stages.

The best alternative is ESP32 based devices based on above selection criteria.

The below is an example. It replaces the need of all 3 components you have listed above just for 8 dollars (much lower in bulk quantities)

ESP32 with Display

rasman commented 4 years ago

Arduino is nice, but there is real delay/challenege in getting theses items available during this time. Consider using a more "industrial" embedded system which is more scalable (e.g. a PIC micro-controller). Ideally the items can ordered from a wholesaler such as Digikey