Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Update Chart based on user-selected regions #108

Open ciscorucinski opened 4 years ago

ciscorucinski commented 4 years ago

On the bottom-right, there are plots that represent all the data over the months, but they don't update based on user-selected regions.

I would like to be able to click on Others, South Korea, Beijing, or "Diamond Princess" cruise ship to see the plots for those individual regions. The x-axis should remain constant, but the y-axis could fluctuate based on the data (or the highest non-outlier datapoint which is Guangdong Province at 1,342 people)

The Total Deaths and Total Recovered already update based on user selections, but the plots don't.

CSSEGISandData commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the ideas. We will keep them in mind for building out future capabilities.

hyartep commented 4 years ago

Seems for me like super-useful feature to track "progress" in different countries. This way would be also possible to compare different countries/regions. Also, because it already works for total-deaths/total-recoved, I guess it should not be so complicated to implement. Anyways, thanks for the great work!

jeff-mettel commented 4 years ago

Agreed. Proposing a few additional reatures:
