Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Open source the scripts for gathering data sets #1119

Open rollick opened 4 years ago

rollick commented 4 years ago

It would be great if the community could extend the scripts used for gathering the data in this repo. There is a wealth of data out there which can be included. For example, the Netherlands has case data for individual municipalities/provinces. I would be happy to help get that data into this repo.

mcteapot commented 4 years ago

There are a few APIs out there that support this, but there is no official one.

Here is a list of some of them https://github.com/Bost/corona_cases/blob/master/web-services.sh

I have found these two to be the best. https://github.com/nat236919/Covid2019API https://github.com/axisbits/covid-api

Good luck, please share any project you make

rollick commented 4 years ago

Thanks @mcteapot. At first glance most (all?) are using the JHU CSSE data from this repo which has been manipulated. I was hoping to get raw data directly from WHO. Anyway, thanks again. I will dig deeper into the links to see if there are any reliable data sources.

gohkokhan commented 4 years ago

@rollick I actually planned to get all the data from WHO, but I realize the data from WHO doesn't have recovered cases.

JeffLoucksPersonal commented 4 years ago

We could all-volunteer to adopt our own country and create an azure hosted DB with an agreed-upon data structure. It would same me pulling information from multiple different sources that refresh after the news cycle is over. Who would like to join with me to create a repo with this purpose?

h-a-s-a-n commented 4 years ago

@JeffLoucksPersonal not sure on the azure hosted part but lets make it happen.

rollick commented 4 years ago

@JeffLoucksPersonal This sounds great. I don't mind where it is hosted but I would like it to be backed by a widely supported, open source db like Postgres. Anything so we are not locked into a single provider.

rollick commented 4 years ago

@gohkokhan Do you know where CSSE gets the recovered data? I see they have it for the Netherlands but I don't see that number on any public Dutch gov sites. And do you already have code for fetching data from WHO? I actually haven't looked into where WHO publishes the data. Can you share some links?

rollick commented 4 years ago

There is this site various links: https://github.com/soroushchehresa/awesome-coronavirus

rollick commented 4 years ago

@JeffLoucksPersonal This looks like a promising project: https://coronadatascraper.com/#sources