Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Most 3/23/20 entries are duplicates of 3/22/20 #1321

Open arik-so opened 4 years ago

arik-so commented 4 years ago

The new data is mostly missing for today, but it's less obvious than it used to be because instead of empty cells, values are propagated from the previous day.

bevanward commented 4 years ago

@arik-so looks like a lot are empty too - if you scan down the list you see the data missing.

jclerman commented 4 years ago

To be clear, this issue affects both the old-style (but still in use) time-series files (time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv etc) and the 03-23-2020.csv daily-report file.

Shane073 commented 4 years ago

Total count on the dashboard about 2 hours ago was 375,458 confirmed cases. Latest download total confirmed cases are 336,004. Sorry, but you guys really need to fix these errors up.

j-fu commented 4 years ago

... indeed

ddub03 commented 4 years ago

agreed.... is anyone tracking the number of CV19 tests by location, compared to the number returned to see which locations might be spiking next? seems like there's a lack of tests given/tests returned data

PlentyJeff commented 4 years ago

There's a good repository of testing data here: https://covidtracking.com/

j-fu commented 4 years ago

... indeed

;-) The new format files seem to be ok now. Thanks & stay healthy!

arik-so commented 4 years ago

It also appears that the US data is not included in the global time series CSVs, but the US CSVs are also not uploaded yet.

thepost commented 4 years ago

The US data is updating for me, except for recoveries (which totals to 0 for all US rows).

EDIT: To clarify, the latest CSV in the csse_covid_19_daily_reports.

alexchandel commented 4 years ago

@CSSEGISandData Please un-corrupt the deprecated CSVs in csse_covid_19_time_series. I'm still using them.

maisonml commented 4 years ago

Recovered cases data is missing for US and Canada in csse_covid_19_daily_reports/03-23-2020.csv and for UK, recovered cases overall has dropped from yesterday's count.

thepost commented 4 years ago

Recovered cases data is missing for US and Canada in csse_covid_19_daily_reports/03-23-2020.csv and for UK, recovered cases overall has dropped from yesterday's count.

That's true for Canada and the US. UK checks out ok for me, recovered is at 140 vs 67 yesterday.

LucidObscurity commented 4 years ago

They've deprecated those files. Now you have to use the ...global... files for the latest data. They will not longer be collecting "Recovered" data also. For US state data, I guess we have to wait until the new ...us... files are ready.

LucidObscurity commented 4 years ago

From Here

The files below will no longer be updated. With the release of the new data structure, we are updating our time series tables to reflect these changes. Please reference time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv and time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv for the latest time series data.


alexchandel commented 4 years ago

@LucidObscurity Deprecated does not mean "corrupted." Regardless of deprecation status, @CSSEGISandData must uncorrupt the files they broke today.

thepost commented 4 years ago

Deprecated does mean unreliable though. @alexchandel you have more of a responsibility to update your codebase than @CSSEGISandData does to maintain deprecated endpoints.