Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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ACTION NEEDED: Return To Old Data Structure #1405

Open CWrecker opened 4 years ago

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

I'll just make two notes here as a developer:

  1. Before making any changes, please inform the community who is relying on your data. This could easily be a sample CSV file (In a test directory!) released a week (or at least 2 days) before its release.

  2. Please return to the old data structure, it was simply better.

Thanks :)

anastasia-waw commented 4 years ago

Totally agree with CWrecker...

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Yes I also agree. I have made a complete data visualization app based on the earlier data format and now....

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

Dear All, I have compiled the data and have reformated it into the original structure. Please let me know if you would like me to share it (Google Sheets)

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Yes Please...I was trying to do that with the daily reports but incase you have done. Please share it. Thanks a lot!!!!!

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Link of my app: https://shubhrampandey.shinyapps.io/coronaVirusViz

anastasia-waw commented 4 years ago

Dear All, I have compiled the data and have reformated it into the original structure. Please let me know if you would like me to share it (Google Sheets)

We would highly appreciate it! <3 thank you in advance

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

Ok, let me just tidy it up, and then ill share it. 10 mins?

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Ok, let me just tidy it up, and then ill share it. 10 mins?

Thansks a lot!!!! Much appreciated..

krismel109 commented 4 years ago

Dear All, I have compiled the data and have reformated it into the original structure. Please let me know if you would like me to share it (Google Sheets)

Yes, please share! Thank you!

CWrecker commented 4 years ago


Ok here we go:

Link to a live google sheets file: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQisxSucfFNfhB_KJg1WmXZW_9_VtW_WxAy4ReE7vsRKDUgg2XwhOO0k1yS4V6tZnwZziRETZ3s1WBP/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true

Link to a live CSV file: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQisxSucfFNfhB_KJg1WmXZW_9_VtW_WxAy4ReE7vsRKDUgg2XwhOO0k1yS4V6tZnwZziRETZ3s1WBP/pub?output=csv

Link to a live JSON file: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzsyQNJwDvQc5SvNGEDZZOoNI3XxNar9PA9sRucZx7mgzfWpFQ/exec

Question for you, do you want the long and lat data as well?

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

Please let me know if the files work for your needs or you would like any other data (such as new cases each day).

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Yes that is perfectly fine.....But hope you saw my app, that includes daily cases as well....

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

Yes that is perfectly fine.....But hope you saw my app, that includes daily cases as well....

it won't let me connect. I keep getting: Dissconected from the server. let me try another device.

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

I have just added a JSON format above

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

I think you have scraped it from worldometer?

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

I think you have scraped it from worldometer?

Yes I have. I forgot to mention that. It would appear they are much more reliable and faster to update. It might be a better source for the time being until JHU sorts out the data structures on their end.

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Yes I was thinking the same. But I need time series cases as well....They have graph but data...Please let me know if you have any suggestion. I can read the graph via digitizer but that is the last option

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

Yes I was thinking the same. But I need time series cases as well....They have graph but data...Please let me know if you have any suggestion. I can read the graph via digitizer but that is the last option

The same problem for me, i'll see what if I come up with. If JSU doesn't change the format of the time series too much, it might be possible to keep it.

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

Yes that is perfectly fine.....But hope you saw my app, that includes daily cases as well....

Sorry, I keep getting the loading icon. :(

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Yes that is perfectly fine.....But hope you saw my app, that includes daily cases as well....

Sorry, I keep getting the loading icon. :(


Now you access...There was some error with backed...It takes approx 1 minute to load

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

Can I use JHU's daily reports files instead of time_series?

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

oh wow, this looks great

Ya, it might be able to compile daily reports into a time series

shubhrampandey commented 4 years ago

But JHU mentioned that recovered cases will not be updated in both daily and time series files. It is so disgusting man.

Can we rely on this: https://github.com/jbarton311/coronavirus-analysis/tree/master/coronavirus/output_data

CWrecker commented 4 years ago

I would recommend relying on the sources I posted above. The WorldOMeter seems to be the best source right now.

Ill try and put together a repository with more files.