Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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When do csv files get updated? Right now reporting same number for previous 2 days. #1459

Open GalMoore opened 4 years ago

GalMoore commented 4 years ago


drikjyotsinghk commented 4 years ago

Also wondering the same :)

ghost commented 4 years ago


JH moved to new format - old csv's will not be updated. See README

Bmr55 commented 4 years ago

The NEW files get updated at 11:59 UTC.

drikjyotsinghk commented 4 years ago

Any idea when the “new” US dataset will get posted? The US locations have been removed from the new datasets.

Bmr55 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, it is unclear when these will be uploaded.