Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Palestine data is missing (imposing political bias in science) #1550

Open ijaradat opened 4 years ago

ijaradat commented 4 years ago

data from Palestine removed intentionally although they are present in the original data before they are filtered out here. This is a shameful act - imposing your political bias in science. Please we need this data as Palestinians are "human beings" and the data is available. This issue was closed without any comment from the owner(s) of this repository (JHU) and this is very disappointing to academics and developers who use this partial data, as it affects the quality of the data and the credibility of JHU.

denizy97 commented 4 years ago

They added it back, now they call it "The West Bank and Gaza". I guess this is better than just adding the data to Israel but still, how hard is it to just call it Palestine? Really sad they are trying to make political statements at a time like this and even willing to manually change data to do so.

rollick commented 4 years ago

@denizy97 They say they will start including the ISO codes - https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/issues/1250 . If they do that then the name should be indicated as The State of Palestine.