Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Trends and predictions #1571

Open dmitripr opened 4 years ago

dmitripr commented 4 years ago

In case people are looking for ways to summarize, calculate trends, and predictions. I put a few scripts together. Feedback welcomed.


k2xl commented 4 years ago

I also am using predictions in my site https://covidtrend.com , will take a look at yours and see if it'd be better!

dmitripr commented 4 years ago

@k2xl I liked your site, certainly more dynamic than what I have.

I've been recommended another way to plot data to better see peaks: scatter plot sum of new cases over the last 6-7 days versus total cases. I think it allows you to see the peaks better, once lines start to "drop off". I posted an update to my repo of the example. Maybe you can implement something like that as well.