Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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reporting back various inconsistencies and typos in the daily report csv's #1799

Open mealy opened 4 years ago

mealy commented 4 years ago

I have been iterating and releasing a free app for Splunk Enterprise (see links at the end) And along the way I've encountered a number of issues in the data that, while very easy to fix on the fly in the app, I thought I'd pass along, so that they could potentially be fixed in the underlying daily reports, so that other people wouldn't have to do the same fixes/normalizations.

LINKS: If you have Splunk already the app is just a few minutes to install from Splunkbase https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4925/

You can also get it as a tar.gz from our site: https://sideviewapps.com/apps/covid19-reporting/

and here are our release notes https://sideviewapps.com/apps/covid19-reporting/release-notes/

greg-minshall commented 4 years ago

@mealy i'm a daily user myself. you might look at the file fixups.sed in my repository, in case there are some other useful tidbits to massage the daily reports. cheers.

Lucas-Czarnecki commented 4 years ago

Thank you @mealy this is very helpful.