Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Wrong Data for India Regarding the Total Confirmed Cases for the Last Two Days #1986

Open jiujitsu101 opened 4 years ago

jiujitsu101 commented 4 years ago

The data entered for the last two days, i.e. 04/03/2020 and 04/04/2020 is wrong. The data shows here that the number of cases rose only by 100 something, while for the past two days the number of confirmed cases have been rising 500+. Please take a look at the number of confirmed cases in India. The number of cases have gone 3500+ while the data here shows only 3000+. Please correct this data for the past two days. The Indian health department has been uploading the correct number of cases on the official website. Please take a look there too. https://www.mohfw.gov.in/

srikumarks commented 4 years ago

The April 6th change data for India in the time series file says 4778 cases with a delta of 1190, whereas the WHO daily situation report 77 for April 6th for India says 4067 cases with a change of 693. The wikipedia page for India indicates 4281 with a change of 704. The covid19india.org crowd sourced site indicates 4778 with a change of 489 .. and all of them are supposed to be for April 6th.

704 and 693 are still ok and even 489 is close enough, but 1190 seems way out there. Where did the 1190 figure come from? How do we reconcile these discrepancies?

udaykadaboina commented 4 years ago

I have created a data repository which scrapes the https://www.mohfw.gov.in/ website and creates datewise & states_aggregated.csv files

Check it out: https://github.com/udaykadaboina/COVID19_India