Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Error reporting COVID Deaths - Ontario, Canada. April 27 2020 #2424

Open PerryRPeterson opened 4 years ago

PerryRPeterson commented 4 years ago

Error in data showing Ontario Deaths as of April 27 as 1023

Health Canada is reporting the accumulated deaths in Ontario by April 27 of 892 (Source CSV File https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html?topic=tilelink#a1)

Deaths In Province of Ontario Reported by Heath Canada April 24 - 763 April 25 - 811 April 26 - 835 April 27 - 892

And a total Canada by April 27 of 2707

ElijahCano33 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I will make a pull-request that fixes this.

ElijahCano33 commented 4 years ago

I began fixing this, but noticed that on April 23rd it is currently reported that there was 806 deaths which would cause a conflict with April 24th since there was apparently 763 deaths according to Health Canada. How should I go about resolving this conflict?