Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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JHU - Please make it clear whether you want our help, or not #2435

Open lojic opened 4 years ago

lojic commented 4 years ago

@CSSEGISandData I don't think silence is the best approach here.

Do you want free labor from people who point out errors and provide information for you to correct the errors? You have an opportunity to improve the quality of your data by having many eyes on the problems, but you seem to be ignoring many issues, some of which are quite obvious.

If you don't want any help, that's fine, but I'm not motivated to continue opening issues if they're going to be ignored.

I don't mean to be self-serving, but my two recent issues #2421 & #2423 provide excellent examples. They both specify the exact file and line of the error, and they both provide helpful links to health dept. websites showing the correct values. The fact that they were both ignored leads me to believe that you don't care for people to help you fix errors in the data.

For now, I'll assume you don't want help, but please make it clear if you do.

ivanMSC commented 4 years ago

@lojic you must be new here

lojic commented 4 years ago

@ivanMSC it's possibly naive of me, but I thought it was worth one last shot before I give up and code up my own US county scraper. They did fix my first issue, so I erroneously thought they would continue to be responsive. It appears i was mistaken.

mezcalhead commented 4 years ago

@lojic - we should talk. serious divergence in JHU data (e.g. 23,477 NY deaths) but NY health department site reporting 18,015.

mendes-jom commented 4 years ago

please look at my #2379 https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/issues/2379 I have a Mysql Database with a view for errors on the data Any interest?

StateCenterKid commented 4 years ago

@lojic - Even if JHU isn't resourced to make the all of the updates suggested here, I'm sure that I'm not alone in regularly checking the issues list to make corrections in my own application of the data. Your efforts aren't in vain.

That said, it's amazing to me that this is the only accessible source for regularly updated, global data that provides a complete history of the pandemic including 'recovered' cases. I'm hoping that someone at the WHO, CDC... is taking note and hires these guys to be prepared for the next round.

mezcalhead commented 4 years ago

I just ran a cross check with another source... 1st number is JHU # deaths, 2nd number is another project that takes screenshots of state reported cummulative deaths data, and 3rd number is the delta. the good news is there are many zero deltas, but there's quite a few off... I am thinking of calibrating JHU data in my git repo to clean it up where I can from a few other sources.

AK,9,9,0 AL,256,245,11 AR,57,59,-2 AZ,308,304,4 CA,1946,1887,59 CO,766,760,6 CT,2169,2168,1 DC,205,205,0 DE,144,144,0 FL,1218,1240,-22 GA,1101,1093,8 HI,16,16,0 IA,148,148,0 ID,60,60,0 IL,2215,2215,0 IN,964,1065,-101 KS,134,125,9 KY,234,225,9 LA,1845,1845,0 MA,3405,3405,0 MD,1078,1078,0 ME,52,52,0 MI,3670,3670,0 MN,319,319,0 MO,338,318,20 MS,250,250,0 MT,16,16,0 NC,382,354,28 ND,19,19,0 NE,56,55,1 NH,60,60,0 NJ,6771,6770,1 NM,112,110,2 NV,230,230,0 NY,23477,18015,5462 OH,937,937,0 OK,214,214,0 OR,101,101,0 PA,2373,2195,178 RI,251,251,0 SC,231,203,28 SD,13,13,0 TN,195,195,0 TX,754,732,22 UT,45,45,0 VA,522,522,0 VT,47,47,0 WA,801,786,15 WI,308,308,0 WV,38,38,0 WY,7,7,0 PR,86,86,0 AS,0,0,0 GU,5,5,0 MP,2,2,0 VI,4,4,0

jjbenes commented 4 years ago

At least for the U.S., USAFacts.org seems to be doing a good job getting data from the counties. They also don't try to slice and dice data for NYC and Kansas City the way JHU and NYT do. Open-sourced the code to ingest data from both JHU and USAFacts here.

CSSEGISandData commented 4 years ago

@lojic @mezcalhead @mendes-jom @StateCenterKid @jjbenes - please know that all of your help is amazingly beneficial and we all greatly appreciate it. Silence is not an indication of a lack of appreciation but is really a reflection of the scale of the problem and an inability to address all of the issues raised in the time that we would like to. Please know that your contributions are invaluable.

lojic commented 4 years ago

@CSSEGISandData I appreciate the feedback. 2+ months is quite a while, but I do understand you're busy :)