Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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USA recoveries declined? #2506

Open syurian opened 4 years ago

syurian commented 4 years ago

USA recoveries for May 12 (230,287 recoveries) declined from May 11 (232,733recoveries)

sapienzafra commented 4 years ago

My script gets the same result, from 232.733 of May 11 to 230.287 of May 12 (-2.446)

cdsmithson commented 4 years ago

Noticed that too.

d76d30dbl commented 4 years ago

Minnesota not in data ----- The Covid-19 Tracking Project say 8149

kevinp2 commented 4 years ago

Of all the numbers floating around, I would be the most skeptical of the "Recovered" numbers. Most people who are confirmed with Covid are not hospitalized but are sent home to nurse themselves back to health. Many don't even have symptoms. All the attention goes to those hospitalized. The ones sent home quietly recover and resume their life without triggering any "Recovered" statistic.