Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Australian NSW Recoveries missing large amounts of available data. #3170

Open DavidPatersonQH opened 3 years ago

DavidPatersonQH commented 3 years ago

The numbers of recovered cases in New South Wales Australia are no longer being updated, has been inaccurate since back in march, and the many inaccuracies in the dataset is throwing out the numbers for the whole country totals.

Recoveries have not been consistently updated for long and short periods since the 26 April 2020 through to now (largest being 49 days from 8th Aug to 21st Sep), and as you can see with my own modelling there are some very large discrepancies.

NSW health reports 81 "active" as of the 26th Sep 2020 , which indicates recovered cases are being under reported in the data set by almost 1000. Current Cases: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/find-facts-about-covid-19


DavidPatersonQH commented 3 years ago

It's now down to 31 active cases
