Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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US Recoveries have been nullified #3464

Open CSSEGISandData opened 3 years ago

CSSEGISandData commented 3 years ago

Our recovery data for the United States has historically relied on the effort of Covid Tracking Project (CTP). CTP no longer reports national level recoveries for several legitimate reasons documented on their website. We agree with their reasoning, and as such have decided to remove US recoveries from our dashboard. CTP national recoveries are still available in their API linked here if your applications require the use of this data.

NightDragon1 commented 3 years ago

The data of the CTP seems to reported recovered cases on the states level, while you provided the data on city level. How did you manage to generate a per city value?

msgoussi commented 3 years ago

Do you know how many people are using your data for their dashboard and analysis and now you dediced to stop reporting US recovery number. How I am suppose to calculate recovery rate for the world without US number. Find a way to report on US recovery but do not show ZERO at all. You have ethical responsibility towards researchers. Zero estimation or under estimation is better!!!!!

ivanMSC commented 3 years ago

@msgoussi What the fuck? If you're a researcher then do your research and find a source that fits your needs.

msgoussi commented 3 years ago

@ivanMSC who are you to address me with words. I am addressing people in John Hopkins not a scumbag like you.

xenomancer commented 3 years ago

@CSSEGISandData Would it not be reasonable to retain the data and leave the issues cited as a note for data interpretation guidance? Even a poor estimation of the recovered cases is better than no estimate if it is close enough to the real picture. I know that the line between active and recovered is fuzzy, but that matter for interpretation should be given guidance when data is available, not eliminated with the data removed. There are many downstream projects that sourced your data for its completeness and they are all left in the dark without this data. All data collection and reporting comes with limitations and this is no different. Leaving all cases as active makes it very difficult to describe the current state of the active cases as there is no proper means of tracking them against the COVID-19 testing in the population. That data is non-specific to the point of being useless without anything to match them against.

Please consider finding a way to include the recovery data or to find another source that can provide it.

Thank you for providing this critical data in such an accessible format. It is making a world of difference.