Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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FL County-level Deaths Data #5196

Open CSSEGISandData opened 2 years ago

CSSEGISandData commented 2 years ago

We will begin reporting county-level deaths data for Florida from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services COVID-19 Community Profile Report.

johncdavis200 commented 2 years ago

This resulted in all the deaths since the last time death data was reported to be dumped into the Jan 12, 2022 date bucket - thereby causing problems for those of us who use your data and calculate daily death numbers from the lag to the previous day's death numbers... caused it to appear that there were over 28,000 new deaths on Jan 12.

Do you have any plan to attempt to correct this, or does anyone who is using this data have a suggestion for how I can better handle the calculation of daily cases and deaths from the time series data?


CSSEGISandData commented 2 years ago

The state and national level deaths were not impacted by the reintroduction of data at the county level as these deaths were already accounted for in the "Unassigned, Florida" entry. On January 12, 2020 our data reports 2273 new deaths at the national level for the US and no new deaths at the state-level for Florida. We are investigating a back distribution at the county level.

stucka commented 2 years ago

@CSSEGISandData I have ugly code to parse out the older reports I was still working on. I wasn't done and had not completed validity checks. Dropping in the data now if you want to check yourself. If you want the code I can check with my boss.

I believe Nebraska may be in a similar situation with county-level data, and this may be a useful workaround for some other states with weekly reporting (Tennessee?).



stucka commented 2 years ago

I think the effort to incorporate county-level deaths in Florida may have trampled on earlier success in reporting county-level cases. The only cases reported in the last week are to "Unassigned."

stucka commented 2 years ago

Thank you! We now have county-level case data again.

@jdgalarneau has flagged that state death totals are roughly 600 behind the latest state report in this issue: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/issues/5214