Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Please provide severity/region breakdown data #566

Open FatTailBlackSwan opened 4 years ago

FatTailBlackSwan commented 4 years ago

Raw data is the best tool against panic and misinformation. Thank you for this invaluable public service!

Based on your data, I discovered that, excluding Hubei, South Korea, Iran, and Italy, the mortality rate is 0.9%. The rationale to exclude these regions is my working theory that small, crowded, and closed space causes repeated cross-infection and higher mortality rate as well as higher ratio of severe symptoms.

But I haven't been able to find severity/region breakdown data to confirm or disprove the last point. This could be helpful in formulating effective measures against the virus and calming unnecessary panic.

Thank you!

lazd commented 4 years ago

What do you define as severity? Do you mean population-weighted data?

FatTailBlackSwan commented 4 years ago

Severity of symptoms. I'm not qualified to define the categories. But there are data on the overall mild/severe/critical cases. Population-weighing is unnecessary as it could be easily calculated. Raw data (number of cases per category per region) would suffice.

FatTailBlackSwan commented 4 years ago

And time series would be more valuable than cumulative.

lazd commented 4 years ago

Gotcha. Sounds like a big ask.

Population-weighting is indeed calculated easily enough.