Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Inaccurate data of European countries #604

Open kurtbuhler opened 4 years ago

kurtbuhler commented 4 years ago

There are many countries with inaccurate updated case numbers for 12/3:

And many non-European countries:

If this is because there is maintenance, the data should not yet be publicly available until that maintenance is complete and the data reflects the accurate situation-by-country. The quality issues with this source in the last 3 days raise serious concerns about its credibility and usability moving forward.

analyzewithpower commented 4 years ago


It's difficult to understand the logic behind all these issues. If this is the same data that's on the university's dashboard, why all these issues?

Couldn't the JHU's team export the data from the dashboard and provide it? Like they used to up to 3 days ago? It used to tie completely. Now, it seems as if someone is pasting data in the wrong rows, changing names, granularity, duplicating records. Data integrity is in the negatives right now. So sad :(

We request an export from your dashboard, could that be possible? Analysts from all over the world rely on you for accurate, timely and reliable data provided by a reputable source.

YannLeBihan commented 4 years ago

Same here. I had made a page with a daily updated curve based on data for France, but decided to put it offline this morning because of inaccuracy. Just saw that the French newpaper Le Monde, which uses the same source for its articles, has the exact same problem.

arik-so commented 4 years ago

See #599

emilianbold commented 4 years ago

Probably related to #650, all recent data is flawed.