Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Covid stats from Aug 28, 2022 for India are incorrect #6045

Open skylancer1 opened 2 years ago

skylancer1 commented 2 years ago


As verified from the Press Information Bureau Government of India PIB Official Account, the new reported cases for Aug 28, 2022 were 9,436 . Whereas for Aug 29, 2022, the count was 7,591 same for Aug 30, 2022 i.e (5439) & Aug 31, 2022 i.e (7231) -contrary to this, the Covid 19 stats since Aug 28, 2022 on the GitHub feed are found to be 0

Since there is a data discrepancy issue in the feed (due to the fact that no recent updates are mentioned in the errata file; pertaining to backdated stats distribution), request you to please check and fix the corresponding data statistics.


skylancer1 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

Is there any update regarding the above issue?

CSSEGISandData commented 2 years ago

Thank you for posting this issue. We will look into.

skylancer1 commented 2 years ago


Data is still missing for 29th and 30th Aug 2022. Kindly look into this.