Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
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Covid2019 | API #9

Open nat236919 opened 4 years ago

nat236919 commented 4 years ago

https://covid2019-api.herokuapp.com/ https://github.com/nat236919/Covid2019API

This API contains the current data, it gives the calculated sets of data to developers or those who need to analyse or present data swiftly.

MIT - Please feel free to contribute and comment All credits go to those who work behind this amazing repository (CSSEGISandData /COVID-19)

wobsoriano commented 4 years ago

Hi, are you basing your data in this repo? If yes, what's your action now that the "recovered" data is being removed?

nat236919 commented 4 years ago


If my math is correct, the following equation should give us Recovered

Recovered = Confirmed - (Active + Deaths)

MohammedAlrozzi commented 4 years ago

@nat236919 could you please advise how did you coded, Palestine, Palestinian territories, or West Bank and Gaza. I couldn't find it in v2 Thanks