Hi, there is systematic error in the data. In time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv file on 03/12/2020 for following countries Malaysia, Australia, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Lebanon, Iraq, Switzerland, Greece, Netherlands, Qatar, France, a United Kingdom. I have personally verified the Italy where the value should be 15113 but it is 12462. The rest was identified by profitability and it is not only this date. I have downloaded the date yesterday 03/16/2020. Good luck in finding the source of errors.
Hi, there is systematic error in the data. In time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv file on 03/12/2020 for following countries Malaysia, Australia, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Lebanon, Iraq, Switzerland, Greece, Netherlands, Qatar, France, a United Kingdom. I have personally verified the Italy where the value should be 15113 but it is 12462. The rest was identified by profitability and it is not only this date. I have downloaded the date yesterday 03/16/2020. Good luck in finding the source of errors.