CSSLint / csslint

Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets
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Formatter: Path to custom formatters #455

Open am11 opened 10 years ago

am11 commented 10 years ago

In JsHint npm, the CLI option --reporter takes /path/to/my/custom/reporter.js.

In TsLint npm, the CLI option --formatters-dir takes /path/to/my/custom/formatter/ and --format takes name of my formatter (without js extension).

In JSCS, it would be --reporter /path/to/reporter.js.

Please add an option in CSSLint, so we can render the output with custom reporter situated at different location than the reporters directory under lib. See TsLint's implementation: https://github.com/palantir/tslint/blob/master/src/formatterLoader.ts and JSCS: https://github.com/am11/node-jscs/commit/e5bdcdf3d27d8ffe385f226aac14073173e4c62b


am11 commented 10 years ago

@nschonni, what is the relationship between formatter and reporter? In TsLint they have formatters and JsHint call the same thing as reporter. Here we have both in CSSLint.js. Or are they mutually exclusive concepts here?