CSSS / csss-site-backend

CSSS Website Backend (2024 - Present)
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Store Executive info in table #16

Open EarthenSky opened 1 month ago

EarthenSky commented 1 month ago

We'll want a table to store executive term info and executive student info. The executive student info will link to all the terms a student was an executive, and the students table will link to an executive student entry.

Will also want to introduce API endpoints for unauthenticated & authenticated users to access data they have privileges for. Only execs from the past 5 exec terms can access data.


EarthenSky commented 3 weeks ago

A diagram of the database schema for the site https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Tqg_PGDp6AeEZZTMg8Ebt5_vCzZUfSz/view?usp=sharing