CSSS / csss-site-backend

CSSS Website Backend (2024 - Present)
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control access of users to github #20

Closed EarthenSky closed 1 month ago

EarthenSky commented 4 months ago

execs need to be automatically be added and/or removed from the github organization

You'll have to do some research into github's http api. Doing it async like with discord should be fine for now! If you can think of a better way to do it that would take a while, please make a new issue!


DerpyWasHere commented 1 month ago

Do we ever intend on automating the transfer of sysadmin or is just adding people as regular members sufficient?

EarthenSky commented 1 month ago

I think transfer of sysadmin should be triggered manually, but I having code do the actual updating would be nice