CSSS / csss-site-backend

CSSS Website Backend (2024 - Present)
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Implement Logging #27

Open EarthenSky opened 2 weeks ago

EarthenSky commented 2 weeks ago

Store logs & enable getting them via an admin-only endpoint

Will need to create an "is-admin" permission

TODO: use a logging library that enables logging to separate files as modules, so we can have an officers module, etc... TODO: where are root level exceptions raised to?

Will want to have a generalized view for logging which endpoints which users accessed

We'll also want to show nginx logs, to determine which pages were requested

It will also be helpful to have a hook in the logging library to send an email to csss-sysadmin@sfu.ca & (csss-webmaster@sfu.ca)? when errors or warnings are logged