CSSS / csss-site-backend

CSSS Website Backend (2024 - Present)
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Configure Nginx CORS #30

Closed micahdbak closed 1 week ago

micahdbak commented 1 week ago

I'm going to manually deploy these changes to nginx as I'm doing some testing with the CSSS auth API, but this should, in theory, make configuring CORS for the CSSS API super easy.

In the future we should probably replace '' with just sfucsss.org, but for now is good for testing


Local devs won't even be able to get CORS to work with localhost (i think cors policy needs HTTPS / an actual hostname that isnt localhost to send cookie credentials) so I went ahead and restricted it to new.sfucsss.org. Currently deployed & working :)

micahdbak commented 1 week ago

Can confirm, this works with api.sfucsss.org

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 1 40 15 PM
EarthenSky commented 1 week ago

ah, okay! good to do so before we forget