CSSSR / csssr-project-template

[deprecated] Шаблон проекта для быстрого старта.
529 stars 234 forks source link

SyntaxError: Unexpected token import #133

Closed AdreeUA closed 8 years ago

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

Выдает такую ошибку когда пытаюсь установить проект под виндовс, на маке все работает. Поставил последнюю Node, дополнительно ставил babel, не помогает:

C:\ehrenamtmesse-master>npm run start

> csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start C:\ehrenamtmesse-master
> gulp --debug

[15:51:02] Failed to load external module babel-register
[15:51:02] Failed to load external module babel-core/register
[15:51:02] Failed to load external module babel/register
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import gulp from 'gulp';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
    at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:513:28)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:468:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at requireDir (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\require-dir\index.js:116:33)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\gulpfile.babel.js:3:23)

npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10586
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\adree\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "run" "start"
npm ERR! node v6.2.0
npm ERR! npm  v3.9.2
npm ERR! csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start: `gulp --debug`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start script 'gulp --debug'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the csssr-project-template package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     gulp --debug
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR!     npm bugs csssr-project-template
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls csssr-project-template
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\npm-debug.log
AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

Установил еще модули babel теперь ошибка немного изменилась:

C:\ehrenamtmesse-master>npm run start

> csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start C:\ehrenamtmesse-master
> gulp --debug

[16:07:10] Requiring external module babel-register
(node:1160) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module, please update it to a more recent version.
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import fs from 'fs';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
    at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:513:28)
    at Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\babel-register\lib\node.js:166:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:468:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (sprites.js:4:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
    at loader (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\babel-register\lib\node.js:158:5)
    at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\babel-register\lib\node.js:168:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)

npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10586
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\adree\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "run" "start"
npm ERR! node v6.2.0
npm ERR! npm  v3.9.2
npm ERR! csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start: `gulp --debug`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start script 'gulp --debug'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the csssr-project-template package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     gulp --debug
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR!     npm bugs csssr-project-template
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls csssr-project-template
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\npm-debug.log
iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

Поставь babel-register

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

Npm Install делал?

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

npm i делал... babel-register ставил... все также

Nitive commented 8 years ago

Успешно запустил чистый проект на маке

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

на маке и у меня работает, а на виндовс проблема и не только у меня, у товарища все также пишет

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

Npm install без ошибок проходит?

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

с ошибками

C:\ehrenamtmesse-master>npm i
npm WARN deprecated cross-spawn-async@2.0.0: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead!
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs@3.0.8: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.
npm WARN deprecated lodash@1.0.2: lodash@<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash@^4.0.0.
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs@1.2.3: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.
npm WARN deprecated jade@1.11.0: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade
npm WARN deprecated transformers@2.1.0: Deprecated, use jstransformer
npm WARN deprecated jade@1.9.2: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade
npm WARN deprecated cross-spawn-async@2.2.4: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead!
npm WARN prefer global marked@0.3.5 should be installed with -g

> buffertools@2.1.4 install C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\buffertools
> node-gyp rebuild

C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\buffertools>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\Users\adree\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild )  else (node "" rebuild )
gyp ERR! configure error
gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable.
gyp ERR! stack     at failNoPython (C:\Users\adree\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\configure.js:401:14)
gyp ERR! stack     at C:\Users\adree\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\configure.js:356:11
gyp ERR! stack     at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:117:15)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.10586
gyp ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\adree\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\buffertools
gyp ERR! node -v v6.2.0
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.3.1
gyp ERR! not ok
npm WARN install:buffertools@2.1.4 buffertools@2.1.4 install: `node-gyp rebuild`
npm WARN install:buffertools@2.1.4 Exit status 1

> unicode@0.6.1 postinstall C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\unicode
> node install.js

try to read file /usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt …
Warning: using slow naiv Buffer.indexOf function!
`npm install buffertools` to speed things up.
/usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt not found.
try to read file /usr/share/unicode-data/UnicodeData.txt …
/usr/share/unicode-data/UnicodeData.txt not found.
try to read file UnicodeData.txt …
UnicodeData.txt not found.
try to download …
GET unicode.org:80/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt
fetching …
        if (haystack.get(i+j) !== needle.get(j)) {

TypeError: haystack.get is not a function
    at indexOf (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\bufferjs\indexOf.js:16:22)
    at Buffer.exports.indexOf (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\bufferstream\lib\fn.js:16:14)
    at BufferStream.split (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\bufferstream\lib\buffer-stream.js:30:24)
    at BufferStream.write (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\bufferstream\lib\buffer-stream.js:210:17)
    at BufferStream.write (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\bufferstream\lib\buffer-stream.js:3:61)
    at IncomingMessage.ondata (_stream_readable.js:555:20)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:188:7)
    at IncomingMessage.Readable.read (_stream_readable.js:387:10)
    at flow (_stream_readable.js:764:26)
- gulp-util node_modules\gulp-stylint\node_modules\gulp-util
- dateformat node_modules\gulp-stylint\node_modules\gulp-util\node_modules\dateformat
- meow node_modules\gulp-stylint\node_modules\gulp-util\node_modules\dateformat\node_modules\meow
- normalize-package-data node_modules\gulp-stylint\node_modules\gulp-util\node_modules\dateformat\node_modules\meow\node_modules\normalize-package-data
csssr-project-template@0.26.0 C:\ehrenamtmesse-master
+-- autoprefixer-stylus@0.9.3
| +-- autoprefixer@6.3.6
| | +-- browserslist@1.3.1
| | +-- caniuse-db@1.0.30000466
| | +-- normalize-range@0.1.2
| | +-- num2fraction@1.2.2
| | `-- postcss-value-parser@3.3.0
| +-- multi-stage-sourcemap@0.2.1
| | `-- source-map@0.1.43
| `-- postcss@5.0.20
|   `-- js-base64@2.1.9
+-- babel@6.5.2
+-- babel-cli@6.9.0
| +-- babel-polyfill@6.9.0
| | `-- babel-regenerator-runtime@6.5.0
| +-- babel-runtime@6.9.0
| +-- bin-version-check@2.1.0
| | +-- bin-version@1.0.4
| | | `-- find-versions@1.2.1
| | |   `-- semver-regex@1.0.0
| | `-- semver-truncate@1.1.0
| |   `-- semver@5.1.0
| +-- chalk@1.1.1
| | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| +-- chokidar@1.5.1
| | +-- async-each@1.0.0
| | +-- glob-parent@2.0.0
| | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | +-- is-binary-path@1.0.1
| | | `-- binary-extensions@1.4.0
| | +-- is-glob@2.0.1
| | `-- readdirp@2.0.0
| +-- commander@2.9.0
| | `-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1
| +-- convert-source-map@1.2.0
| +-- fs-readdir-recursive@0.1.2
| +-- glob@5.0.15
| | +-- inflight@1.0.5
| | | `-- wrappy@1.0.2
| | `-- once@1.3.3
| +-- lodash@4.12.0
| +-- log-symbols@1.0.2
| +-- output-file-sync@1.1.1
| | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| +-- path-exists@1.0.0
| +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.0
| +-- request@2.72.0
| | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
| | +-- aws4@1.4.1
| | +-- bl@1.1.2
| | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | +-- caseless@0.11.0
| | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
| | | `-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
| | +-- extend@3.0.0
| | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
| | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
| | +-- har-validator@2.0.6
| | | `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | |   `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | +-- hawk@3.1.3
| | | +-- boom@2.10.1
| | | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
| | | +-- hoek@2.16.3
| | | `-- sntp@1.0.9
| | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
| | | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
| | | +-- jsprim@1.2.2
| | | | +-- extsprintf@1.0.2
| | | | +-- json-schema@0.2.2
| | | | `-- verror@1.3.6
| | | `-- sshpk@1.8.3
| | |   +-- asn1@0.2.3
| | |   +-- assert-plus@1.0.0
| | |   +-- dashdash@1.13.1
| | |   | `-- assert-plus@1.0.0
| | |   +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1
| | |   +-- getpass@0.1.6
| | |   | `-- assert-plus@1.0.0
| | |   +-- jodid25519@1.0.2
| | |   +-- jsbn@0.1.0
| | |   `-- tweetnacl@0.13.3
| | +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0
| | +-- isstream@0.1.2
| | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
| | +-- mime-types@2.1.11
| | | `-- mime-db@1.23.0
| | +-- node-uuid@1.4.7
| | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2
| | +-- stringstream@0.0.5
| | +-- tough-cookie@2.2.2
| | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.3
| +-- slash@1.0.0
| +-- source-map@0.5.6
| `-- v8flags@2.0.11
|   `-- user-home@1.1.1
+-- babel-core@6.9.0
| +-- babel-code-frame@6.8.0
| | `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| +-- babel-generator@6.9.0
| | `-- detect-indent@3.0.1
| |   `-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| +-- babel-helpers@6.8.0
| +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| +-- babel-template@6.9.0
| +-- babel-traverse@6.9.0
| | `-- invariant@2.2.1
| |   `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| +-- babel-types@6.9.0
| | `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| +-- babylon@6.8.0
| +-- debug@2.2.0
| | `-- ms@0.7.1
| +-- json5@0.4.0
| +-- minimatch@2.0.10
| | `-- brace-expansion@1.1.4
| |   +-- balanced-match@0.4.1
| |   `-- concat-map@0.0.1
| +-- private@0.1.6
| `-- shebang-regex@1.0.0
+-- babel-eslint@4.1.8
| +-- acorn-to-esprima@1.0.7
| +-- babel-core@5.8.38
| | +-- babel-plugin-constant-folding@1.0.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-dead-code-elimination@1.0.2
| | +-- babel-plugin-eval@1.0.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-inline-environment-variables@1.0.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-jscript@1.0.4
| | +-- babel-plugin-member-expression-literals@1.0.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-property-literals@1.0.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-proto-to-assign@1.0.4
| | | `-- lodash@3.10.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-react-constant-elements@1.0.3
| | +-- babel-plugin-react-display-name@1.0.3
| | +-- babel-plugin-remove-console@1.0.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-remove-debugger@1.0.1
| | +-- babel-plugin-runtime@1.0.7
| | +-- babel-plugin-undeclared-variables-check@1.0.2
| | | `-- leven@1.0.2
| | +-- babel-plugin-undefined-to-void@1.1.6
| | +-- babylon@5.8.38
| | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
| | +-- core-js@1.2.6
| | +-- globals@6.4.1
| | +-- is-integer@1.0.6
| | | `-- is-finite@1.0.1
| | |   `-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
| | +-- js-tokens@1.0.1
| | +-- lodash@3.10.1
| | +-- regenerator@0.8.40
| | | +-- commoner@0.10.4
| | | | +-- detective@4.3.1
| | | | +-- iconv-lite@0.4.13
| | | | `-- q@1.4.1
| | | +-- defs@1.1.1
| | | | +-- alter@0.2.0
| | | | | `-- stable@0.1.5
| | | | +-- ast-traverse@0.1.1
| | | | +-- breakable@1.0.0
| | | | +-- simple-fmt@0.1.0
| | | | +-- simple-is@0.2.0
| | | | +-- stringmap@0.2.2
| | | | +-- stringset@0.2.1
| | | | +-- tryor@0.1.2
| | | | `-- yargs@3.27.0
| | | |   `-- camelcase@1.2.1
| | | +-- esprima-fb@15001.1001.0-dev-harmony-fb
| | | `-- recast@0.10.33
| | |   `-- ast-types@0.8.12
| | +-- regexpu@1.3.0
| | | +-- esprima@2.7.2
| | | +-- regenerate@1.2.1
| | | +-- regjsgen@0.2.0
| | | `-- regjsparser@0.1.5
| | |   `-- jsesc@0.5.0
| | +-- repeating@1.1.3
| | +-- resolve@1.1.7
| | +-- trim-right@1.0.1
| | `-- try-resolve@1.0.1
| +-- lodash.assign@3.2.0
| | +-- lodash._baseassign@3.2.0
| | | `-- lodash._basecopy@3.0.1
| | +-- lodash._createassigner@3.1.1
| | | `-- lodash._isiterateecall@3.0.9
| | `-- lodash.keys@3.1.2
| `-- lodash.pick@3.1.0
|   +-- lodash._baseflatten@3.1.4
|   +-- lodash._bindcallback@3.0.1
|   +-- lodash._pickbyarray@3.0.2
|   +-- lodash._pickbycallback@3.0.0
|   | `-- lodash._basefor@3.0.3
|   `-- lodash.restparam@3.6.1
+-- babel-loader@6.2.4
| +-- loader-utils@0.2.15
| | +-- big.js@3.1.3
| | +-- emojis-list@2.0.1
| | `-- json5@0.5.0
| +-- mkdirp@0.5.1
| | `-- minimist@0.0.8
| `-- object-assign@4.1.0
+-- babel-preset-es2015@6.9.0
| +-- babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping@6.9.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes@6.9.0
| | +-- babel-helper-define-map@6.9.0
| | +-- babel-helper-function-name@6.8.0
| | +-- babel-helper-optimise-call-expression@6.8.0
| | `-- babel-helper-replace-supers@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring@6.9.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-duplicate-keys@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-for-of@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-function-name@6.9.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-literals@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs@6.8.0
| | `-- babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-object-super@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters@6.9.0
| | +-- babel-helper-call-delegate@6.8.0
| | | `-- babel-helper-hoist-variables@6.8.0
| | `-- babel-helper-get-function-arity@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-spread@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-sticky-regex@6.8.0
| | `-- babel-helper-regex@6.9.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-template-literals@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-unicode-regex@6.8.0
| | `-- regexpu-core@1.0.0
| `-- babel-plugin-transform-regenerator@6.9.0
|   `-- babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions@6.8.0
+-- babel-register@6.9.0
| +-- core-js@2.4.0
| +-- home-or-tmp@1.0.0
| | `-- os-tmpdir@1.0.1
| `-- source-map-support@0.2.10
|   `-- source-map@0.1.32
+-- bemto.jade@1.0.3
+-- browser-sync@2.12.8
| +-- browser-sync-client@2.4.2
| | +-- etag@1.7.0
| | `-- fresh@0.3.0
| +-- browser-sync-ui@0.5.19
| | +-- async-each-series@0.1.1
| | +-- connect-history-api-fallback@1.2.0
| | +-- stream-throttle@0.1.3
| | | `-- limiter@1.1.0
| | `-- weinre@2.0.0-pre-I0Z7U9OV
| |   `-- express@2.5.11
| |     +-- connect@1.9.2
| |     | `-- formidable@1.0.17
| |     +-- mime@1.2.4
| |     +-- mkdirp@0.3.0
| |     `-- qs@0.4.2
| +-- bs-recipes@1.2.2
| +-- chokidar@1.4.3
| +-- connect@3.4.1
| | +-- finalhandler@0.4.1
| | | +-- on-finished@2.3.0
| | | | `-- ee-first@1.1.1
| | | `-- unpipe@1.0.0
| | +-- parseurl@1.3.1
| | `-- utils-merge@1.0.0
| +-- dev-ip@1.0.1
| +-- easy-extender@2.3.2
| | `-- lodash@3.10.1
| +-- eazy-logger@2.1.3
| | +-- lodash.clonedeep@4.3.1
| | +-- opt-merger@1.1.1
| | | `-- lodash@3.10.1
| | `-- tfunk@3.0.2
| |   `-- object-path@0.9.2
| +-- emitter-steward@1.0.0
| +-- fs-extra@0.26.7
| | +-- jsonfile@2.3.1
| | `-- klaw@1.2.0
| +-- http-proxy@1.13.2
| | +-- eventemitter3@1.2.0
| | `-- requires-port@1.0.0
| +-- immutable@3.7.6
| +-- localtunnel@1.8.1
| | +-- openurl@1.1.0
| | +-- request@2.65.0
| | | +-- bl@1.0.3
| | | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | +-- http-signature@0.11.0
| | | | +-- asn1@0.1.11
| | | | +-- assert-plus@0.1.5
| | | | `-- ctype@0.5.3
| | | `-- qs@5.2.0
| | `-- yargs@3.29.0
| |   +-- camelcase@1.2.1
| |   +-- cliui@3.2.0
| |   `-- window-size@0.1.4
| +-- lodash@4.10.0
| +-- micromatch@2.3.7
| | +-- arr-diff@2.0.0
| | | `-- arr-flatten@1.0.1
| | +-- array-unique@0.2.1
| | +-- braces@1.8.4
| | | +-- expand-range@1.8.2
| | | | `-- fill-range@2.2.3
| | | |   +-- is-number@2.1.0
| | | |   +-- isobject@2.1.0
| | | |   +-- randomatic@1.1.5
| | | |   `-- repeat-string@1.5.4
| | | +-- preserve@0.2.0
| | | `-- repeat-element@1.1.2
| | +-- expand-brackets@0.1.5
| | | `-- is-posix-bracket@0.1.1
| | +-- extglob@0.3.2
| | +-- filename-regex@2.0.0
| | +-- is-extglob@1.0.0
| | +-- kind-of@3.0.3
| | | `-- is-buffer@1.1.3
| | +-- normalize-path@2.0.1
| | +-- object.omit@2.0.0
| | | +-- for-own@0.1.4
| | | | `-- for-in@0.1.5
| | | `-- is-extendable@0.1.1
| | +-- parse-glob@3.0.4
| | | +-- glob-base@0.3.0
| | | `-- is-dotfile@1.0.2
| | `-- regex-cache@0.4.3
| |   +-- is-equal-shallow@0.1.3
| |   `-- is-primitive@2.0.0
| +-- opn@3.0.3
| +-- portscanner@1.0.0
| | `-- async@0.1.15
| +-- qs@6.1.0
| +-- resp-modifier@6.0.1
| +-- serve-index@1.7.3
| | +-- accepts@1.2.13
| | | `-- negotiator@0.5.3
| | +-- batch@0.5.3
| | +-- escape-html@1.0.3
| | `-- http-errors@1.3.1
| |   `-- statuses@1.3.0
| +-- serve-static@1.10.2
| | `-- send@0.13.1
| |   +-- depd@1.1.0
| |   +-- destroy@1.0.4
| |   +-- mime@1.3.4
| |   +-- range-parser@1.0.3
| |   `-- statuses@1.2.1
| +-- socket.io@1.4.5
| | +-- engine.io@1.6.8
| | | +-- accepts@1.1.4
| | | | +-- mime-types@2.0.14
| | | | | `-- mime-db@1.12.0
| | | | `-- negotiator@0.4.9
| | | +-- base64id@0.1.0
| | | +-- engine.io-parser@1.2.4
| | | | +-- after@0.8.1
| | | | +-- arraybuffer.slice@0.0.6
| | | | +-- base64-arraybuffer@0.1.2
| | | | +-- blob@0.0.4
| | | | +-- has-binary@0.1.6
| | | | | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | `-- utf8@2.1.0
| | | `-- ws@1.0.1
| | |   +-- options@0.0.6
| | |   `-- ultron@1.0.2
| | +-- has-binary@0.1.7
| | | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | +-- socket.io-adapter@0.4.0
| | | `-- socket.io-parser@2.2.2
| | |   +-- debug@0.7.4
| | |   +-- isarray@0.0.1
| | |   `-- json3@3.2.6
| | +-- socket.io-client@1.4.5
| | | +-- backo2@1.0.2
| | | +-- component-bind@1.0.0
| | | +-- component-emitter@1.2.0
| | | +-- engine.io-client@1.6.8
| | | | +-- component-inherit@0.0.3
| | | | +-- has-cors@1.1.0
| | | | +-- parsejson@0.0.1
| | | | +-- parseqs@0.0.2
| | | | +-- xmlhttprequest-ssl@1.5.1
| | | | `-- yeast@0.1.2
| | | +-- indexof@0.0.1
| | | +-- object-component@0.0.3
| | | +-- parseuri@0.0.4
| | | | `-- better-assert@1.0.2
| | | |   `-- callsite@1.0.0
| | | `-- to-array@0.1.4
| | `-- socket.io-parser@2.2.6
| |   +-- benchmark@1.0.0
| |   +-- component-emitter@1.1.2
| |   +-- isarray@0.0.1
| |   `-- json3@3.3.2
| +-- ua-parser-js@0.7.10
| +-- ucfirst@1.0.0
| `-- yargs@4.4.0
|   +-- camelcase@2.1.1
|   +-- cliui@3.2.0
|   | `-- wrap-ansi@2.0.0
|   +-- decamelize@1.2.0
|   +-- lodash.assign@4.0.9
|   | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.7
|   +-- os-locale@1.4.0
|   | `-- lcid@1.0.0
|   |   `-- invert-kv@1.0.0
|   +-- pkg-conf@1.1.2
|   | +-- find-up@1.1.2
|   | | `-- path-exists@2.1.0
|   | `-- symbol@0.2.2
|   +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
|   +-- require-main-filename@1.0.1
|   +-- string-width@1.0.1
|   | +-- code-point-at@1.0.0
|   | `-- is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0
|   +-- window-size@0.2.0
|   +-- y18n@3.2.1
|   `-- yargs-parser@2.4.0
|     `-- lodash.assign@4.0.9
|       `-- lodash.keys@4.0.7
+-- cheerio@0.19.0  extraneous
+-- consolidate@0.13.1  extraneous
+-- cross-env@1.0.7
| `-- cross-spawn-async@2.0.0
|   `-- lru-cache@2.7.3
+-- debuga@1.0.2
| `-- merge@1.2.0
+-- eslint@1.10.3
| +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
| | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | `-- typedarray@0.0.6
| +-- doctrine@0.7.2
| | +-- esutils@1.1.6
| | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| +-- escope@3.6.0
| | +-- es6-map@0.1.3
| | | +-- d@0.1.1
| | | +-- es5-ext@0.10.11
| | | +-- es6-iterator@2.0.0
| | | +-- es6-set@0.1.4
| | | +-- es6-symbol@3.0.2
| | | `-- event-emitter@0.3.4
| | +-- es6-weak-map@2.0.1
| | `-- esrecurse@4.1.0
| |   `-- estraverse@4.1.1
| +-- espree@2.2.5
| +-- estraverse@4.2.0
| +-- estraverse-fb@1.3.1
| +-- esutils@2.0.2
| +-- file-entry-cache@1.2.4
| | `-- flat-cache@1.0.10
| |   +-- del@2.2.0
| |   | +-- globby@4.1.0
| |   | | `-- glob@6.0.4
| |   | +-- is-path-cwd@1.0.0
| |   | `-- is-path-in-cwd@1.0.0
| |   |   `-- is-path-inside@1.0.0
| |   +-- read-json-sync@1.1.1
| |   `-- write@0.2.1
| +-- globals@8.18.0
| +-- handlebars@4.0.5
| | `-- source-map@0.4.4
| +-- inquirer@0.11.4
| | +-- ansi-escapes@1.4.0
| | +-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | +-- cli-cursor@1.0.2
| | | `-- restore-cursor@1.0.1
| | |   +-- exit-hook@1.1.1
| | |   `-- onetime@1.1.0
| | +-- cli-width@1.1.1
| | +-- figures@1.7.0
| | +-- lodash@3.10.1
| | +-- readline2@1.0.1
| | | `-- mute-stream@0.0.5
| | +-- run-async@0.1.0
| | `-- rx-lite@3.1.2
| +-- is-my-json-valid@2.13.1
| | +-- generate-function@2.0.0
| | +-- generate-object-property@1.2.0
| | | `-- is-property@1.0.2
| | `-- jsonpointer@2.0.0
| +-- is-resolvable@1.0.0
| | `-- tryit@1.0.2
| +-- js-yaml@3.4.5
| | +-- argparse@1.0.7
| | `-- esprima@2.7.2
| +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
| | `-- jsonify@0.0.0
| +-- lodash.clonedeep@3.0.2
| | `-- lodash._baseclone@3.3.0
| +-- lodash.merge@3.3.2
| | +-- lodash._arraycopy@3.0.0
| | +-- lodash._arrayeach@3.0.0
| | +-- lodash._getnative@3.9.1
| | +-- lodash.isarguments@3.0.8
| | +-- lodash.isarray@3.0.4
| | +-- lodash.isplainobject@3.2.0
| | +-- lodash.istypedarray@3.0.6
| | +-- lodash.keysin@3.0.8
| | `-- lodash.toplainobject@3.0.0
| +-- lodash.omit@3.1.0
| | +-- lodash._arraymap@3.0.0
| | `-- lodash._basedifference@3.0.3
| |   +-- lodash._baseindexof@3.1.0
| |   +-- lodash._cacheindexof@3.0.2
| |   `-- lodash._createcache@3.1.2
| +-- minimatch@3.0.0
| +-- optionator@0.6.0
| | +-- deep-is@0.1.3
| | +-- fast-levenshtein@1.0.7
| | +-- levn@0.2.5
| | +-- prelude-ls@1.1.2
| | +-- type-check@0.3.2
| | `-- wordwrap@0.0.2
| +-- path-is-inside@1.0.1
| +-- shelljs@0.5.3
| +-- strip-json-comments@1.0.4
| +-- text-table@0.2.0
| +-- user-home@2.0.0
| | `-- os-homedir@1.0.1
| `-- xml-escape@1.0.0
+-- eslint-loader@1.3.0
+-- expose-loader@0.7.1
+-- gulp@3.9.1
| +-- archy@1.0.0
| +-- deprecated@0.0.1
| +-- gulp-util@3.0.7
| | +-- array-differ@1.0.0
| | +-- array-uniq@1.0.2
| | +-- beeper@1.1.0
| | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
| | | `-- meow@3.7.0
| | |   +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
| | |   +-- loud-rejection@1.3.0
| | |   | +-- array-find-index@1.0.1
| | |   | `-- signal-exit@2.1.2
| | |   +-- map-obj@1.0.1
| | |   +-- redent@1.0.0
| | |   | +-- indent-string@2.1.0
| | |   | | `-- repeating@2.0.1
| | |   | `-- strip-indent@1.0.1
| | |   `-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
| | +-- fancy-log@1.2.0
| | | `-- time-stamp@1.0.1
| | +-- gulplog@1.0.0
| | | `-- glogg@1.0.0
| | +-- has-gulplog@0.1.0
| | | `-- sparkles@1.0.0
| | +-- lodash._reescape@3.0.0
| | +-- lodash._reevaluate@3.0.0
| | +-- lodash._reinterpolate@3.0.0
| | +-- lodash.template@3.6.2
| | | +-- lodash._basetostring@3.0.1
| | | +-- lodash._basevalues@3.0.0
| | | +-- lodash.escape@3.2.0
| | | `-- lodash.templatesettings@3.1.1
| | +-- multipipe@0.1.2
| | | `-- duplexer2@0.0.2
| | |   `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
| | |     `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | `-- object-assign@3.0.0
| +-- interpret@1.0.1
| +-- liftoff@2.2.1
| | +-- extend@2.0.1
| | +-- findup-sync@0.3.0
| | +-- flagged-respawn@0.3.2
| | `-- rechoir@0.6.2
| +-- minimist@1.2.0
| +-- orchestrator@0.3.7
| | +-- end-of-stream@0.1.5
| | +-- sequencify@0.0.7
| | `-- stream-consume@0.1.0
| +-- pretty-hrtime@1.0.2
| +-- semver@4.3.6
| +-- tildify@1.2.0
| `-- vinyl-fs@0.3.14
|   +-- defaults@1.0.3
|   +-- glob-stream@3.1.18
|   | +-- glob@4.5.3
|   | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.1.0
|   | +-- through2@0.6.5
|   | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
|   | |   `-- isarray@0.0.1
|   | `-- unique-stream@1.0.0
|   +-- glob-watcher@0.0.6
|   | `-- gaze@0.5.2
|   |   `-- globule@0.1.0
|   |     +-- glob@3.1.21
|   |     | +-- graceful-fs@1.2.3
|   |     | `-- inherits@1.0.2
|   |     +-- lodash@1.0.2
|   |     `-- minimatch@0.2.14
|   +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
|   +-- strip-bom@1.0.0
|   | `-- first-chunk-stream@1.0.0
|   +-- through2@0.6.5
|   | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
|   |   `-- isarray@0.0.1
|   `-- vinyl@0.4.6
|     `-- clone@0.2.0
+-- gulp-bump@1.0.0
| +-- dot-object@1.4.1
| +-- plugin-error@0.1.2
| | +-- ansi-cyan@0.1.1
| | | `-- ansi-wrap@0.1.0
| | +-- ansi-red@0.1.1
| | +-- arr-diff@1.1.0
| | | `-- array-slice@0.2.3
| | +-- arr-union@2.1.0
| | `-- extend-shallow@1.1.4
| |   `-- kind-of@1.1.0
| +-- plugin-log@0.1.0
| +-- semver@5.1.0
| `-- through2@0.5.1
|   +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
|   | `-- isarray@0.0.1
|   `-- xtend@3.0.0
+-- gulp-cached@1.1.0
| +-- lodash.defaults@2.4.1
| | +-- lodash._objecttypes@2.4.1
| | `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
| |   +-- lodash._isnative@2.4.1
| |   +-- lodash._shimkeys@2.4.1
| |   `-- lodash.isobject@2.4.1
| `-- through2@0.5.1
|   +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
|   | `-- isarray@0.0.1
|   `-- xtend@3.0.0
+-- gulp-changed@1.3.0
| `-- through2@2.0.1
|   `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
+-- gulp-cssnano@2.1.2
| +-- cssnano@3.6.2
| | +-- defined@1.0.0
| | +-- indexes-of@1.0.1
| | +-- postcss-calc@5.2.1
| | | +-- postcss-message-helpers@2.0.0
| | | `-- reduce-css-calc@1.2.3
| | |   +-- balanced-match@0.1.0
| | |   `-- reduce-function-call@1.0.1
| | |     `-- balanced-match@0.1.0
| | +-- postcss-colormin@2.2.0
| | | `-- colormin@1.1.0
| | |   +-- color@0.11.1
| | |   | +-- color-convert@0.5.3
| | |   | `-- color-string@0.3.0
| | |   |   `-- color-name@1.1.1
| | |   `-- css-color-names@0.0.3
| | +-- postcss-convert-values@2.3.4
| | +-- postcss-discard-comments@2.0.4
| | +-- postcss-discard-duplicates@2.0.1
| | +-- postcss-discard-empty@2.1.0
| | +-- postcss-discard-overridden@0.1.1
| | +-- postcss-discard-unused@2.2.1
| | | +-- flatten@1.0.2
| | | `-- uniqs@2.0.0
| | +-- postcss-filter-plugins@2.0.0
| | | `-- uniqid@1.0.0
| | +-- postcss-merge-idents@2.1.6
| | | `-- has-own@1.0.0
| | +-- postcss-merge-longhand@2.0.1
| | +-- postcss-merge-rules@2.0.9
| | +-- postcss-minify-font-values@1.0.5
| | +-- postcss-minify-gradients@1.0.2
| | +-- postcss-minify-params@1.0.4
| | | `-- alphanum-sort@1.0.2
| | +-- postcss-minify-selectors@2.0.5
| | | `-- postcss-selector-parser@2.0.0
| | |   `-- uniq@1.0.1
| | +-- postcss-normalize-charset@1.1.0
| | +-- postcss-normalize-url@3.0.7
| | | +-- is-absolute-url@2.0.0
| | | `-- normalize-url@1.5.2
| | |   +-- prepend-http@1.0.4
| | |   +-- query-string@4.1.0
| | |   | `-- strict-uri-encode@1.1.0
| | |   `-- sort-keys@1.1.2
| | |     `-- is-plain-obj@1.1.0
| | +-- postcss-ordered-values@2.2.1
| | +-- postcss-reduce-idents@2.3.0
| | +-- postcss-reduce-transforms@1.0.3
| | +-- postcss-svgo@2.1.3
| | | +-- is-svg@2.0.1
| | | | `-- html-comment-regex@1.1.0
| | | `-- svgo@0.6.6
| | |   +-- coa@1.0.1
| | |   +-- csso@2.0.0
| | |   | `-- clap@1.1.1
| | |   |   `-- chalk@1.1.3
| | |   |     `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | |   +-- js-yaml@3.6.1
| | |   | `-- esprima@2.7.2
| | |   +-- sax@1.2.1
| | |   `-- whet.extend@0.9.9
| | +-- postcss-unique-selectors@2.0.2
| | `-- postcss-zindex@2.1.1
| `-- vinyl-sourcemaps-apply@0.2.1
+-- gulp-filter@3.0.1
| +-- multimatch@2.1.0
| | +-- array-union@1.0.1
| | +-- arrify@1.0.1
| | `-- minimatch@3.0.0
| `-- streamfilter@1.0.5
+-- gulp-gh-pages@0.5.4
| +-- gift@0.6.1
| | `-- underscore@1.7.0
| +-- readable-stream@2.1.4
| | +-- buffer-shims@1.0.0
| | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
| | +-- duplexify@3.4.3
| | | `-- end-of-stream@1.0.0
| | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
| | | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
| | | | `-- is-stream@1.1.0
| | | +-- through2@0.6.5
| | | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | |   `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | +-- to-absolute-glob@0.1.1
| | | | `-- extend-shallow@2.0.1
| | | `-- unique-stream@2.2.1
| | +-- is-valid-glob@0.3.0
| | +-- lazystream@1.0.0
| | +-- lodash.isequal@4.2.0
| | | +-- lodash._root@3.0.1
| | | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.7
| | +-- strip-bom-stream@1.0.0
| | +-- through2-filter@2.0.0
| | +-- vali-date@1.0.0
| | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
| `-- wrap-promise@1.0.1
|   `-- es6-promise@2.3.0
+-- gulp-group-css-media-queries@1.1.0
| `-- group-css-media-queries@1.1.1
|   +-- css-parse@2.0.0
|   | `-- css@2.2.1
|   |   +-- source-map@0.1.43
|   |   +-- source-map-resolve@0.3.1
|   |   | +-- atob@1.1.3
|   |   | +-- resolve-url@0.2.1
|   |   | `-- source-map-url@0.3.0
|   |   `-- urix@0.1.0
|   `-- css-stringify@2.0.0
+-- gulp-if@2.0.1
| +-- gulp-match@1.0.2
| | `-- minimatch@3.0.0
| `-- ternary-stream@2.0.0
|   `-- fork-stream@0.0.4
+-- gulp-jade@1.1.0
| `-- jade@1.11.0
|   +-- character-parser@1.2.1
|   +-- clean-css@3.4.12
|   | +-- commander@2.8.1
|   | `-- source-map@0.4.4
|   +-- commander@2.6.0
|   +-- constantinople@3.0.2
|   | `-- acorn@2.7.0
|   +-- jstransformer@0.0.2
|   | +-- is-promise@2.1.0
|   | `-- promise@6.1.0
|   |   `-- asap@1.0.0
|   +-- transformers@2.1.0
|   | +-- css@1.0.8
|   | | +-- css-parse@1.0.4
|   | | `-- css-stringify@1.0.5
|   | +-- promise@2.0.0
|   | | `-- is-promise@1.0.1
|   | `-- uglify-js@2.2.5
|   |   +-- optimist@0.3.7
|   |   `-- source-map@0.1.43
|   +-- void-elements@2.0.1
|   `-- with@4.0.3
|     +-- acorn@1.2.2
|     `-- acorn-globals@1.0.9
|       `-- acorn@2.7.0
+-- gulp-jade-inheritance@0.5.5
| +-- event-stream@3.3.2
| | +-- duplexer@0.1.1
| | +-- from@0.1.3
| | +-- map-stream@0.1.0
| | +-- pause-stream@0.0.11
| | +-- split@0.3.3
| | `-- stream-combiner@0.0.4
| +-- jade-inheritance@0.2.1
| | +-- colors@0.6.2
| | +-- commander@1.2.0
| | | `-- keypress@0.1.0
| | +-- glob@3.2.6
| | | `-- minimatch@0.2.14
| | |   `-- sigmund@1.0.1
| | `-- jade@1.9.2
| |   `-- commander@2.6.0
| +-- lodash@3.10.1
| `-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
|   +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
|   | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
|   | +-- through2@0.6.5
|   | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
|   | |   `-- isarray@0.0.1
|   | `-- unique-stream@2.2.1
|   `-- vinyl@1.1.1
+-- gulp-jsbeautifier@1.0.2
| +-- ansidiff@1.0.0
| | `-- diff@1.0.8
| +-- js-beautify@1.6.2
| | +-- config-chain@1.1.10
| | | `-- proto-list@1.2.4
| | `-- nopt@3.0.6
| |   `-- abbrev@1.0.7
| +-- rc@1.1.6
| | +-- deep-extend@0.4.1
| | `-- ini@1.3.4
| `-- underscore.string@3.3.4
|   `-- sprintf-js@1.0.3
+-- gulp-plumber@1.1.0
+-- gulp-plumber-error-handler@1.0.0
+-- gulp-rename@1.2.2
+-- gulp-sourcemaps@1.6.0
| +-- graceful-fs@4.1.4
| +-- strip-bom@2.0.0
| | `-- is-utf8@0.2.1
| `-- vinyl@1.1.1
|   `-- clone-stats@0.0.1
+-- gulp-stylint@3.0.0
| `-- through2@0.6.5
|   `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
|     `-- isarray@0.0.1
+-- gulp-stylus@2.3.1
| +-- accord@0.22.3
| | +-- fobject@0.0.3
| | | `-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
| | +-- glob@7.0.3
| | +-- indx@0.2.3
| | +-- lodash@4.6.1
| | +-- semver@5.1.0
| | `-- when@3.7.7
| +-- replace-ext@0.0.1
| `-- stylus@0.54.5
|   +-- css-parse@1.7.0
|   +-- glob@7.0.3
|   +-- sax@0.5.8
|   `-- source-map@0.1.43
+-- gulp-watch@4.3.5
| +-- anymatch@1.3.0
| | `-- micromatch@2.3.8
| +-- glob2base@0.0.12
| | `-- find-index@0.1.1
| +-- vinyl@0.5.3
| `-- vinyl-file@1.3.0
|   `-- vinyl@1.1.1
+-- gulp-zip@3.2.0
| `-- yazl@2.3.1
|   `-- buffer-crc32@0.2.5
+-- gulp.spritesmith-multi@2.2.2
| +-- gulp.spritesmith@6.2.1
| | +-- async@0.9.2
| | +-- gulp-util@2.2.20
| | | +-- chalk@0.5.1
| | | | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
| | | | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
| | | | | `-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
| | | | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
| | | | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
| | | +-- lodash._reinterpolate@2.4.1
| | | +-- lodash.template@2.4.1
| | | | +-- lodash._escapestringchar@2.4.1
| | | | +-- lodash.escape@2.4.1
| | | | | +-- lodash._escapehtmlchar@2.4.1
| | | | | | `-- lodash._htmlescapes@2.4.1
| | | | | `-- lodash._reunescapedhtml@2.4.1
| | | | |   `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
| | | | +-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
| | | | +-- lodash.templatesettings@2.4.1
| | | | `-- lodash.values@2.4.1
| | | |   `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
| | | +-- minimist@0.2.0
| | | +-- through2@0.5.1
| | | | `-- xtend@3.0.0
| | | `-- vinyl@0.2.3
| | +-- spritesheet-templates@10.1.2
| | | +-- handlebars@3.0.3
| | | | +-- source-map@0.1.43
| | | | `-- uglify-js@2.3.6
| | | |   +-- async@0.2.10
| | | |   `-- optimist@0.3.7
| | | +-- handlebars-layouts@1.1.0
| | | +-- json-content-demux@0.1.3
| | | +-- underscore@1.4.4
| | | `-- underscore.string@3.0.3
| | +-- spritesmith@3.1.0
| | | +-- layout@2.2.0
| | | | `-- bin-pack@1.0.2
| | | +-- pixelsmith@2.1.1
| | | | +-- async@0.9.2
| | | | +-- get-pixels@3.3.0
| | | | | +-- data-uri-to-buffer@0.0.3
| | | | | +-- jpeg-js@0.1.2
| | | | | +-- ndarray-pack@1.2.0
| | | | | | `-- cwise-compiler@1.1.2
| | | | | +-- node-bitmap@0.0.1
| | | | | +-- omggif@1.0.8
| | | | | +-- parse-data-uri@0.2.0
| | | | | `-- pngjs@2.3.1
| | | | +-- ndarray@1.0.18
| | | | | `-- iota-array@1.0.0
| | | | +-- ndarray-fill@1.0.1
| | | | | `-- cwise@1.0.9
| | | | |   +-- cwise-parser@1.0.2
| | | | |   | `-- esprima@1.2.5
| | | | |   `-- static-module@1.3.1
| | | | |     +-- concat-stream@1.4.10
| | | | |     | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
| | | | |     +-- escodegen@1.3.3
| | | | |     | +-- esprima@1.1.1
| | | | |     | +-- estraverse@1.5.1
| | | | |     | +-- esutils@1.0.0
| | | | |     | `-- source-map@0.1.43
| | | | |     +-- falafel@1.2.0
| | | | |     | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | |     +-- has@1.0.1
| | | | |     +-- object-inspect@0.4.0
| | | | |     +-- quote-stream@0.0.0
| | | | |     | +-- minimist@0.0.8
| | | | |     | `-- through2@0.4.2
| | | | |     |   +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | | |     |   | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | |     |   `-- xtend@2.1.2
| | | | |     |     `-- object-keys@0.4.0
| | | | |     +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | | |     | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | |     +-- shallow-copy@0.0.1
| | | | |     +-- static-eval@0.2.4
| | | | |     | `-- escodegen@0.0.28
| | | | |     |   +-- esprima@1.0.4
| | | | |     |   `-- estraverse@1.3.2
| | | | |     `-- through2@0.4.2
| | | | |       `-- xtend@2.1.2
| | | | |         `-- object-keys@0.4.0
| | | | +-- obj-extend@0.1.0
| | | | `-- save-pixels@2.3.3
| | | |   +-- contentstream@1.0.0
| | | |   | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | |   |   `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | |   +-- gif-encoder@0.4.1
| | | |   | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
| | | |   |   `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | |   +-- jpeg-js@0.0.4
| | | |   +-- ndarray-ops@1.2.2
| | | |   `-- pngjs-nozlib@1.0.0
| | | `-- semver@5.0.3
| | +-- through2@0.6.5
| | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | +-- underscore@1.6.0
| | `-- url2@1.0.4
| `-- mixy@1.0.0
+-- imports@1.0.0
+-- imports-loader@0.6.5
| `-- source-map@0.1.43
|   `-- amdefine@1.0.0
+-- jade-get-data@1.0.1
+-- jade-injected@1.0.2
+-- jquery@2.2.4
+-- merge-stream@1.0.0
+-- node-notifier@4.5.0
| +-- cli-usage@0.1.2
| | +-- marked@0.3.5
| | +-- marked-terminal@1.6.1
| | | +-- cardinal@0.5.0
| | | | +-- ansicolors@0.2.1
| | | | `-- redeyed@0.5.0
| | | |   `-- esprima-fb@12001.1.0-dev-harmony-fb
| | | +-- cli-table@0.3.1
| | | | `-- colors@1.0.3
| | | `-- node-emoji@0.1.0
| | `-- minimist@0.2.0
| +-- growly@1.3.0
| +-- lodash.clonedeep@3.0.2
| | `-- lodash._baseclone@3.3.0
| +-- semver@5.1.0
| +-- shellwords@0.1.0
| `-- which@1.2.9
|   `-- isexe@1.1.2
+-- npm-install-webpack-plugin@2.0.2
| +-- cross-spawn@2.2.3
| | +-- cross-spawn-async@2.2.4
| | | `-- lru-cache@4.0.1
| | `-- spawn-sync@1.0.15
| |   `-- os-shim@0.1.3
| `-- lodash.kebabcase@3.1.1
|   +-- lodash.deburr@3.2.0
|   `-- lodash.words@3.2.0
+-- npm-run-all@1.8.0
| +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| +-- cross-spawn-async@2.2.4
| | `-- lru-cache@4.0.1
| |   +-- pseudomap@1.0.2
| |   `-- yallist@2.0.0
| +-- minimatch@3.0.0
| +-- ps-tree@1.0.1
| +-- read-pkg@1.1.0
| | +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
| | | +-- parse-json@2.2.0
| | | | `-- error-ex@1.3.0
| | | |   `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
| | | `-- pify@2.3.0
| | +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
| | | +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.5
| | | +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0
| | | | `-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
| | | `-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
| | |   +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
| | |   | `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.1
| | |   `-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
| | |     `-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.4
| | `-- path-type@1.1.0
| +-- shell-quote@1.6.0
| | +-- array-filter@0.0.1
| | +-- array-map@0.0.0
| | `-- array-reduce@0.0.0
| `-- string.prototype.padend@3.0.0
|   +-- define-properties@1.1.2
|   | +-- foreach@2.0.5
|   | `-- object-keys@1.0.9
|   +-- es-abstract@1.5.0
|   | +-- es-to-primitive@1.1.1
|   | | +-- is-date-object@1.0.1
|   | | `-- is-symbol@1.0.1
|   | +-- is-callable@1.1.3
|   | `-- is-regex@1.0.3
|   `-- function-bind@1.1.0
+-- owl.carousel@2.1.1
+-- require-dir@0.3.0
+-- rimraf@2.5.2
| `-- glob@7.0.3
+-- run-sequence@1.2.0
+-- rupture@0.6.1
+-- source-map-loader@0.1.5
| +-- async@0.9.2
| `-- source-map@0.1.43
+-- spritesmith-dir-checker@1.0.0
| +-- babel-cli@6.3.13
| | +-- babel-runtime@5.8.38
| | | `-- core-js@1.2.6
| | `-- lodash@3.10.1
| +-- babel-preset-es2015@6.3.13
| `-- is-directory@0.3.0
+-- spritesmith-stylus-retina-template@1.0.0
+-- stylint@1.3.10
| +-- async@1.5.2
| +-- chokidar@1.4.3
| +-- glob@7.0.3
| +-- lodash.defaults@4.0.1
| | +-- lodash.assigninwith@4.0.7
| | | `-- lodash.keysin@4.1.4
| | `-- lodash.rest@4.0.3
| +-- stampit@1.2.0
| | `-- mout@0.5.0
| +-- strip-json-comments@2.0.1
| +-- user-home@2.0.0
| `-- yargs@4.4.0
|   +-- cliui@3.2.0
|   +-- lodash.assign@4.0.9
|   | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.7
|   `-- window-size@0.2.0
+-- stylint-stylish@1.2.2
| `-- lodash.isnumber@3.0.3
+-- stylus-import-if-exist@1.1.0
| `-- glob@7.0.3
+-- stylus-svg-size-template@1.0.0
+-- svg4everybody@2.0.3
+-- webpack@1.13.1
| +-- acorn@3.1.0
| +-- clone@1.0.2
| +-- enhanced-resolve@0.9.1
| | `-- memory-fs@0.2.0
| +-- interpret@0.6.6
| +-- memory-fs@0.3.0
| | `-- errno@0.1.4
| |   `-- prr@0.0.0
| +-- node-libs-browser@0.5.3
| | +-- assert@1.4.0
| | +-- browserify-zlib@0.1.4
| | | `-- pako@0.2.8
| | +-- buffer@3.6.0
| | | +-- base64-js@0.0.8
| | | `-- ieee754@1.1.6
| | +-- console-browserify@1.1.0
| | | `-- date-now@0.1.4
| | +-- constants-browserify@0.0.1
| | +-- crypto-browserify@3.2.8
| | | +-- pbkdf2-compat@2.0.1
| | | +-- ripemd160@0.2.0
| | | `-- sha.js@2.2.6
| | +-- domain-browser@1.1.7
| | +-- events@1.1.0
| | +-- http-browserify@1.7.0
| | | `-- Base64@0.2.1
| | +-- https-browserify@0.0.0
| | +-- os-browserify@0.1.2
| | +-- path-browserify@0.0.0
| | +-- process@0.11.3
| | +-- punycode@1.3.2
| | +-- querystring-es3@0.2.1
| | +-- readable-stream@1.1.14
| | | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | +-- stream-browserify@1.0.0
| | | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
| | |   `-- isarray@0.0.1
| | +-- timers-browserify@1.4.2
| | +-- tty-browserify@0.0.0
| | +-- url@0.10.2
| | +-- util@0.10.3
| | `-- vm-browserify@0.0.4
| +-- optimist@0.6.1
| | `-- minimist@0.0.10
| +-- supports-color@3.1.2
| | `-- has-flag@1.0.0
| +-- tapable@0.1.10
| +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
| | +-- async@0.2.10
| | +-- uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2
| | `-- yargs@3.10.0
| |   +-- camelcase@1.2.1
| |   +-- cliui@2.1.0
| |   | +-- center-align@0.1.3
| |   | | +-- align-text@0.1.4
| |   | | | `-- longest@1.0.1
| |   | | `-- lazy-cache@1.0.4
| |   | `-- right-align@0.1.3
| |   `-- window-size@0.1.0
| +-- watchpack@0.2.9
| | `-- async@0.9.2
| `-- webpack-core@0.6.8
|   +-- source-list-map@0.1.6
|   `-- source-map@0.4.4
+-- webpack-stats-logger@1.0.1
| `-- colors@1.1.2
`-- webpack-stream@3.2.0
  +-- lodash.clone@4.3.2
  | `-- lodash._baseclone@4.5.7
  +-- lodash.some@4.4.0
  | +-- lodash._baseeach@4.1.3
  | `-- lodash._baseiteratee@4.7.0
  |   `-- lodash._stringtopath@4.8.0
  |     `-- lodash._basetostring@4.12.0
  +-- through@2.3.8
  `-- vinyl@1.1.1

npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.12
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /browser-sync/chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.12
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /stylint/chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.12
npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10586
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\adree\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "i"
npm ERR! node v6.2.0
npm ERR! npm  v3.9.2

npm ERR! unicode@0.6.1 postinstall: `node install.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the unicode@0.6.1 postinstall script 'node install.js'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the unicode package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     node install.js
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR!     npm bugs unicode
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls unicode
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\npm-debug.log
iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

Пайтон на машине стоит?

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

Изза ошибок компиляции при установке ничего и не работает

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

Вот только что поставил

C:\ehrenamtmesse-master>npm start

> csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start C:\ehrenamtmesse-master
> gulp --debug

[17:18:15] Requiring external module babel-register
(node:4792) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module, please update it to a more recent version.
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-svg-symbols'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:440:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:388:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:468:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (icons.js:2:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
    at loader (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\babel-register\lib\node.js:158:5)
    at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\node_modules\babel-register\lib\node.js:168:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)

npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10586
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\adree\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "start"
npm ERR! node v6.2.0
npm ERR! npm  v3.9.2
npm ERR! csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start: `gulp --debug`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the csssr-project-template@0.26.0 start script 'gulp --debug'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the csssr-project-template package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     gulp --debug
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR!     npm bugs csssr-project-template
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls csssr-project-template
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     C:\ehrenamtmesse-master\npm-debug.log
iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

Смотри, что падает при в установке и иди в ишью репозитория этой зависимости

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

Ок , буду пытаться

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

notsup например вообще не поддерживается на винде

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

Вообщем читать что говорит нпм и разбираться почему не устанавливается

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

buffertools тоже , выдал ошибку не поддерживается

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

@AdreeUA что в итоге?

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

В итоге нужно было на винду установить питон 2.7 и VC++ Build Tools Technical Preview Вот ссылка где нашел ответ: https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/issues/629#issuecomment-153196245

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

ага, знал ведь =(( мб напишешь в ридми секцию для винды?

jt3k commented 8 years ago

да. жостко всё в этой винде )

мало того что мы выкачиваем 150метров зависимостей командой npm i так ещё и микрософтские прибамбасы ставить требуется... а они там иогут и 4 гигабайта быть и 10

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

Написал README, куда лучше вставить этот блок, перед установкой модулей npm или где-то в другом месте?

AdreeUA commented 8 years ago

@jt3k Кстати да, чтобы это все установить нужно примерно 3 ГБ, можно конечно уменьшить до 500 МБ, но правильная работа не гарантируется...